I believe in being part of the solution,not the problem.我喜欢解决问题而不是制造问题。
I mean,at some point,we gotta pull the trigger on this thing.有些时候,事情还是抓紧点的好。
Our relationship transcends race.我们的关系超越种族。不知道是否暗示 michael自己是超级混血人种?
Im not really following what youre saying.不懂你在说什么。我们一般怎么说来着?I cant catch ur mean?
In the old mans back pocket,are you? 有这老家伙罩着,是不是?
Is he cool with it? 不介意吗?
Have a little faith. 有一点点信心。偶最喜欢的一句,经常出现在PB中。
Just stick with me. 这句话的意思是相信我。
A mans down,you give him your hand. Scofield 对他哥哥说滴那句,以前是母亲教他的。
Nice choice. 眼光不错。做生意滴时候可以用这句夸夸老外,呵呵。
Just what we agreed on. 就事先约定的。 这句简洁明了,我已经在工作中用上了。
All right,I feel you. 好吧,我明白你。
Put your cards on the table. 摊牌摊牌!
Most guys, you know, for the first one, they start with something small. 你知道,大多数人在纹身初始都是些小的。
Mom, girlfriends initials, something like that. 比如妈妈啊,女友姓名缩写什么的。
Not you. 但你不同。
You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months.你在几个月时间里把整个都挂上了。
Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got. 一些人要花几年时间搞上去。
I dont have a few years. 我可没几年时间。
This is the police. You are completely surrounded. 我们是警察,你已经被完全包围了。我大概这辈子用不上这句了。
My clients a bit confused at the moment.我客人现在有点困惑。前几天偶就听偶客人对偶说过这句话。
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