雅思口语Part2高分范文:a small shop-查字典英语网
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雅思口语Part2高分范文:a small shop

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  下面是雅思为大家整理的一篇关于a small shop的雅思口语Part2高分范文。在这篇雅思口语高分范文中,作者以一个从内到外的顺序描绘出了一个精致的小书店的形象,非常的生动。大家可以参考借鉴一下这篇雅思口语范文的写作顺序,也许可以应用在自己的口语答案中。

  Describe a small shop

  Recently, I have seen a very unique shop. It is a bookshop located in a small street near Zhongnan Road.

  From the outside, it looks like other houses near it. Inside the shop, is there an altogether world. The ceiling and the walls are painted in light blue with some white circles as decoration. There are some shelves along each side of the wall.

  While, in the middle of the room, there lies a big desk, and some chairs are put around it. Customers are free to read books there even if they buy nothing. The classical music is played from an old gramophone. If requested, the assistant will offer you a glass of mineral water.

  I especially like this shop because of its peaceful environment.

  Besides, its good treatment to customers also attracts me a lot.

  从上面的这篇关于a small shop的雅思口语高分范文中,我们再一次认证了清晰的结构在雅思口语考试中的作用。即便没有多么复杂的词汇和句型,只要大家能够按照一定的顺序,把这样的一个典型的事物类的雅思口语话题描述清楚,基本上就能那倒不错的分数。这篇文章交给我们的另外一个经验就是要恰当的应用连词,也正是这些连词使这篇雅思口语范文成为了一篇高分范文。最后,雅思预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!



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