P3 what is the difference between things which children play with in the past and now?
What is the difference between the ideas of modern people and old people?
What are the differences between old and new life styles?
What are their entertainment ways?
How could you relax yourself?
Some people think its important to protect the old lifestyles, what do you think?
What kind of people should be respected?
What is the relationship between the increasing population and the changes in cities?
How do the cities change?
Will local people tell the government these changes?
What does the government ask people to do? What about in the village?
Is there any new governmental policy?
Should the government listen to local peoples opinions?
What facilities are necessary in cities?
How do the changes in cities affect local people?
Think about a facility which is good for the city development.
Are there many accidents in your cities?
How could you relax yourself?
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