雅思口语话题经典难题十道:Childhood Toy-查字典英语网
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雅思口语话题经典难题十道:Childhood Toy

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Describe a toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood.

  You should say:

  what it looked like

  how you got this toy

  what you did with this toy

  and explain why you enjoyed playing with this toy.


  儿时的玩具!回想一下小时候玩过什么玩具?太多可以说了:男孩子的变形金刚transformer、水枪water gun、玩具小汽车toy car、哈雷自行车Chopper bike。女孩子的洋娃娃doll、维尼熊winnie bear、雪橇sledge、跳绳skipping rope、太空球space hopper等等。下面分别给出每个部分的素材库和答题技巧。

  素材库 what it looked like?


  Mine was a huge plastic ant. I was a weird kid. I would sleep with it too. It was about a foot long.

  Baby dolls, not Barbie style. I got a new baby doll every birthday and every Christmas and usually more than one. My other favorite toy was a large blackboard. We still had blackboards rather than white-boards when I was in elementary school so I loved to play school with chalk, erasers etc. WangDong New Oriental School

  I had a Price Lolly Doll. She was a pink and white gingham rag doll with a rattle. I still have her and she is pretty beat up.

  It was my Root bear puppet/teddy bear. I still have it. Cracked, plastic, yellowing eyes and tattered to pieces almost.

  My favorite child hood toy was Oopsie Daisy... the doll that would crawl and then fall and cry mommy, mommy.

  had the dearest little woolly lamb.

  I had a blue Cadillac petal car. It rusted but 15 yrs later when my cousin was born my aunt took it and my uncle refinished it to good as new.

  The doll was along the raggedy ann type doll, but she had long hair in two braids and little button eyes and a stitched on nose and mouth.

  素材库 how you got this toy?


  Mine was a gold six shooter given by my Dad on my 6th birthday. I knew I could save the world with it. Trouble is I am a girl and my father did not think it was the right thing for a girl to have.

  I remember when I was about 2 or 3 years old, the lady lived next door to us and she made me a baby doll.

  素材库 what you did with this toy?


  I still have them. Theyre in a large tub in the crawlspace in my house

  Girls like pink clothing and pictures of flowers and dolls.Girls like barbie dolls and a dollhouse? Girls like shoes that have pretty pictures. Girls like wearing jeans with flowers.New Oriental School

  Not ALL girls clothes are pink. the difference is the way they are designed. girls clothes have certain advertisements such as barbie or bratz for younger kids. boys clothes have things like yugioh or monsters or whatever on them. boys like to play with trucks and cars and girls like dolls and such.

  2. Which toys do most people prefer to buy, imported toys or domestically made toys?

  3. Why do children like some toys but dislike other toys?

  4. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of children playing alone and children playing with other children.

  Children playing by themselves develop independence through imaginative play and depending on themselves to be entertained. Children playing with others must learn to cooperate

  Advantages of Playing with Others: Kid develops socially and is less likely to be shy and will find it easier to make friends. They tend to learn how to talk better sooner, and develop their motor skills faster because they learn from their peers.New Oriental School

  Children playing alone:

  Adavantages - they will be more independant

  Disadvantages - you run the risk of your kid being strange and socially awkward. Children playing with others:

  Advantages - Everything. Because of their socialization they will be more normal. Thats what human interaction does. People learn how to cope with not getting your way all the time, learn to share, be unselfish, and most importantly whats is or is not socially acceptable/unacceptable.

  Disadvantages - your child might get injured or even killed by playing with others by getting themselves in situations they otherwise wouldnt . They could get negatively influenced by peers to do not so good things.

  Advantages of playing alone- they learn to use their Imagination, they sometimes can learn new things by focusing on it, without being disturbed by another child wants or opinions.

  Disadvantages of playing alone- They usually have a hard time adapting to other children in social enviorments, they sometimes dont like sharing items if they play alone lot.New Oriental School

  Advantages of playing with others- they learn to share, they learn new games, different ways to do things, they sometimes can learn things quicker form another child showing them. you as a parent can see how they interact with other children to see if they are socially where they need to be for their age. You also can view how other parents handle issues that you may need help with. You also can learn their play style.

  Disadvantages for playing with others- they fight over toys, they learn some behavior or language that you may not find acceptable for your family morals and values. sickness goes around quicker because small children put everything in their mouths .



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