表姑 Second cousin
表叔 Second cousin
表兄弟 Fathers sister male cousin
表兄弟 Maternal male cousin
表侄 Second cousin
表姊妹 Fathers sisters daughters; female cousin
表姊妹 Maternal female cousin
伯父/大爷 Fathers older brother; Elder uncle
伯母/大娘 Fathers older brother Aunt
伯叔祖父 Fathers fathers brother; Great uncle
伯叔祖母 Fathers fathers brother Great aunt
长兄/哥哥 Older Brother
长姊/姐姐 Older Sister
大伯 Husbands older brother; brother-in-law
大姑 Husbands older sister; sister-in-law
弟妇/弟妹 Younger brother sister-in-law
儿子 Son
父亲/爸爸 Father
高祖父 Great great grandfather
高祖母 Great great grandmother
公公 Husbands father
姑夫 Fathers sisters husband; Husband of paternal aunt; uncle
姑母 Fathers sister; Paternal aunt
姑爷 Fathers fathers sisters husband; Paternal grandaunts husband
继父 Step father
继母 Step mother
襟兄弟 Husband of wifes sister
舅父/舅舅 Mothers brother; Maternal uncle
舅母/妗子 Mothers brother Maternal uncles wife
妹夫 Younger sisters husband
母亲/妈妈 Mother
内弟/小舅子 Wifes younger brother
内兄/大舅子 Wifes older brother
女儿 Daughter
女婿 Daughters husband; Son-in-law
婆婆 Husbands mother; mother-in-law
妻子/老婆 Wife
嫂/嫂子 Older brother sister-in-law
婶母/婶子 Fathers younger brother Aunt
叔父/叔叔 Fathers younger brother; Uncle
叔丈母 Wifes aunt
叔丈人 Wifes uncle
孙女 Sons daughter; Granddaughter
孙女婿 Sons daughters husband; Granddaughters husband
孙媳夫 Sons son Grandsons wife
孙子 Son Grandson
堂兄弟 Fathers brother Paternal male cousin
堂姊妹 Fathers brothers daughters; Paternal female cousin
同胞兄妹 Sibling
外甥 Sisters son
外甥 Wifes siblings son
外甥女 Sisters daughter
外甥女 Wifes siblings daughter
外甥女婿 Sisters daughters husband
外甥媳妇 Sisters sons wife
外孙 Daughter grandson
外孙女 Daughters daughter; granddaughter
外祖父/外公/老爷 Mothers father; Maternal grandfather
外祖母/外婆/姥姥 Mothers mother; Maternal grandmother
媳妇 Son Daughter-in-law
小姑 Husbands younger sister; sister-in-law
小叔 Husbands younger brother; brother-in-law
玄孙 Great great grandson
养父 Foster, adopted father
养母 Foster, adopted mother
姨夫 Mothers sisters husband; Husband of mothers sister
姨姐/大姨 Wifes elder sister; sister-in-law
姨妹/小姨 Wifes younger sister; sister-in-law
姨母/姨妈 Mothers sister
姨甥男女 Wifes sisters children
幼弟/弟弟 Younger Brother
幼妹/妹妹 Younger Sister
岳父 Wifes father, Father-in-law
岳母 Wifes mother, Mother-in-law
曾孙 Great grandson
曾祖父/老爷爷 Fathers fathers father; Great grandfathera
曾祖母/老奶奶 Fathers fathers mother; Great grandmother
丈夫/老公 Husband
侄女 Brothers daughter; niece
侄女婿 Brothers daughters husband; nieces husband
侄孙 Grandnephew
侄孙女 Grand niece
侄媳妇 Brothers son nephews wife
侄子 Brother nephew
祖父/爷爷 Fathers father; Paternal grandfather
祖姑母/姑奶奶 Fathers fathers sister;
祖母/奶奶 Fathers mother; Paternal grandmother
姊夫/姐夫 Older sisters husband
妯娌 Brother sister-in-law
上一篇: 雅思口语:生活词汇-公共标志名称
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