制胜雅思口语:个性化答案的6种方法 如果被问到how are you你会怎么回答?fine, thank you, and you?一定是你的第一反映,试想如果这个问题出自雅思考官之口,那他一天要面临多少次这样的回答呢?一定多到他永远不想再问这个问题。但其实,针对 How are you? 这样的问题,老外的回答可以是多种多样的。例如:
Great, cheers!
Pretty good!
Im okay!
Could be better. Thanks!
Not too bad. Thanks, yourself?
众所周知,雅思的口语考试分为三个部分,分别为Part1: Daily conversation, Part2: Individual long run 以及Part3: 2 way discussion. 我们在第一部分就要提供足够雅思的答案来给考官留下一个深刻的印象,因为极有可能两个问题之后考官凭经验已经在心中给你打了个分,接下来的问题都只是在证明这个分数而已。
个性化体现在我们回答问题时思维的独特性和立异性。一些有个有创造性的答案往往可以独辟蹊径,获取高分。下面就口语考试Part1: Daily conversation中的一些问题,为大家举例说明雅思口语考试中的6大个性化答题法:拟人答题法、谚语答题法、逆向答题法、细节答题法、迂回答题法和幽默答题法。
Examiner: Do you think cell phones are important for modern people?
Candidate: Speaking of my little girlfriend---Nokia N91, I will have to say: shes like an angel. I had never seen anyone so beautiful before in my life. I was simply hooked on her the first time I saw her. I would always take her along with me wherever I go. My cell phone comes with a digital camera and has turned the vast world into a tiny little village. Its no exaggeration to say: mobile phones make the world go around!
Examiner: How does the news influence people?
Candidate: News influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One sided news or journalism isnt news but propaganda in my opinion. Its like that good old saying: Some people would rather believe the lies of Satan than the truth of God.
Candidate: Not at all! Im a little strange. They remind me of funerals. I like grass.
Examiner: What type of music do you like?
Candidate: Well, I am not too fond of music. But sometimes I do like listening to religious music. It gives peace to my mind and joy to my soul.
Your Studies
Examiner: After you graduate, what effect do you think you will have on society?
Candidate: Well, its a tough question. Let me see. I think I can make an impact in our local community by helping those people around us when we can. May not go down in History, but we may gain a place in someones heart. Thats all I can figure out now.
这种答题方法又可以叫以小见大答题法。我们在口语中容易犯一些错误:其中之一就是很多同学喜欢说很深刻的大道理,但在雅思口语考试中应该以小见大,举小例子来说明自己的观点。细节答题法的好处是能将小 我的生活积累和人生体验与社会风云和时代精神连接起来,使难度较大或主题宏阔的写作内容简单化,同时也为真实的、个性化的情感表达找到了一个合宜的方式 和路径。以小见大常常是以实写虚,以小角度写大境界。
Your Studies
Examiner: Do you like your university?
Candidate: Well, its ok. I dont like things that are academic and theoretical, but theres great campus life.
Examiner: If you had the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, what instrument would you learn?
Candidate: No, nothing! I am very unmusical! I cannot even sing in tune. Also, instruments always pretty expensive. If you are really into music, just whistling will do.
若想在口语考试的整个过程中拿到比较高的分数,除了语法,发音,用词和流利度等基本要求外,一 定要做到个性鲜明。个性鲜明是指我们要有自己的立场观点,并且敢于张扬。任何观点都是可以的,只要能自圆其说,就是成功。有时反而是新奇的答题方法会 让考官觉得你个性十足,与众不同。从而引起他们兴趣。
上一篇: 雅思口语:生活词汇-饮品相关
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