雅思口语Part 1问题回答方式-查字典英语网
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雅思口语Part 1问题回答方式

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  For almost every answer, you should give a two-part answer: First, a direct answer to the question and then add more information. Be very willing to speak your feelings about things, always include in your answer at least one reason why or why not.

  Question: Do you like basketball?

  Answer: Yes, I do like it but, at the moment, I dont have much time to play it or watch it on TV.

  Question: Do you like people who try to hurt you?

  Answer: No, I do not like people who try to hurt me.

  Question: Do you like to eat sweet things?

  Answer: Yes, I do like to eat sweet things! In fact, I love to eat them! Im crazy about sweet foods!

  Examples of Weak and Strong Answers to Yes/No Questions

  Question: Do you like your job?

  Answer a: No.

  Answer b: No, I dont.

  Answer c



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