Part I
1. Yourself
1)Whats you full name?
2)What shall I call you?
3)Can I see your identification please?
3)Are there some special meaning of you name?
7)Have you ever change a name?Why?
8)Do you like you name?
2. Eucationnal Background
Do you have a job or are you a student?
A. student
1)Wthat is your major?
3)Describe your study habits?
4)What will you do in future?
/What will you do when you graduate?
B. empoyee
1)What subjects you would study when you were in school?
2)Where do you work?
3)What is you routine?
3)Are you satisfied with your current job?
4)Which kind of job you want to get?
5)What do you think of your future job?
/Which speciality you will choice in futuer?Why?
3. English studing
1)Could you give some ideas how to study Englsh?
2)How do you think about English?
3)What do you think of English and other languages?
4)How to learn English well?
/HOw to improve you English?
5)When did you begin to study English?
6)What is the key about studing English?
7)Are there some diffculties about studing English?
8)Why do you learn English instead of other foreign languages?
4. Hometown
1)Where do you come from?
/Where do you live?
2)When did you begin to live there?
3)Can you tell me something about your hometown?
Can you tell me about some famouse landscapes/scenic spots in your hometown?
4)Do you like your hometown?
5)What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there?
6)Whether you will leave your hometown? why?
7)Do you want to remove?
8)Could you recommend one good palce to live?
5. House
1)Do you live in a house or a flat?
2)Compare advantage and disadvantage of house and flat?
3)What are the differences between house and flat?
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