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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 3: Environment

  1. Problems and solutions

  Rain forests:

  - solution: governments in rainforest countries need to plan and work together. They should also protect certain areas and plant new forest.


  - at the moment, 94% of the worlds energy comes from fossil fuels. Theres enough coal for the next 300 years, but oil is only enough for next 50 years. What happens then? Well, one answer is nuclear energy. But after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, many people think nuclear power isnt safe.

  - The green solutions: they all use natural energy already in the environment:

  - Wind energy

  - Solar energy

  - Wave energy

  - Geothermal energy

  Acid rain:

  - solutions: Industrial countries should control their levels of pollution. This is already happening in some parts of Europe.


  - Animals are a part of the environment, too. Millions of them are killed or treated cruelly by man every year. There are five main groups:

  - Animals used for scientific research: rabbits.

  - Animals killed for sport; foxes.

  - Animals killed for fur, skin: crocodies.

  - Animals their environment are in danger: glorillas.

  - Animals kept in cruel conditions on farm: chicken, cows.

  - solution: groups like Greenpeace have already helped to stop whale hunting. Now, they want to stop fur hunting, too - they believe in animal rights. Animals shouldnt suffer. The cruelty must stop.

  2. Why is protecting environment important?

  We need a healthy environment in order to survive so we must protect it. We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, to maintain the ecosystem and to preserve the earth for our children.



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