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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  雅思大作文思路问题1 not enough ideas 观点不够

  This is one of most common reasons for candidates to go wrong in the writing paper. They see a question. Try to think of ideas. Come up empty and panic. You will find part of my solution to this below. For now, I will just say that you need very few ideas to write a good essay and those ideas can be simple ideas too. Dont buy a book on ideas for essays, instead learn this tip:

  Tip you need only 2 ideas to write an essay and those ideas are often found in the question

  雅思大作文思路问题 2 the ideas are confused 观点混淆

  This is also a very common mistake. There are plenty of ideas to write an essay. The problem is that the reader/examiner does not know what the main ideas are.

  Tip make sure you have one main idea per paragraph. This should be clear from the first sentence of the paragraph

  雅思大作文思路问题 3 too many ideas 观点太多

  Yes, some people do have too many ideas. This is a trap for candidates aiming for a high score. In particular, if they are used to writing academic essays. IELTS is a 250 word essay marked on language. That means it is probably much shorter than you are used to and there are no marks for quality and quantity of ideas.




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