随着考生对雅思考试复习备考的深入,就出现了所谓雅思写作高分模板,指雅思写作中的一些固定的套句及其结构。很多同学甚至对雅思写作模 板这个概念顶礼膜拜,更有甚者会把雅思写作认为是一个背模板的过程,只要背点模板,雅思写作获得高分就没有什么问题了。然而事实证明,很多考生在考场上 生硬地使用所谓的雅思写作模板之后,带来的却是意想不到的低分后果,那么如何突破雅思写作模板获高分?
真题链接:In some countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
1. 引言段
Nowadays, the discussion about is a very controversial one. Those who criticize. argue that, but people who advocate, on the other hand, maintain that
No matter in which country, children are, without any exception, regarded as the protected in society, not to mention making them involved in any forms of paid-work.The necessity of allowing them to make money with their own hands is indeed worth discussing
2. 主体段
1. The benefits of can be perceived in many aspects.
In the first place, 分论点一. For instance, 例证 / 语言论证。In the second place, 分论点二. 论证.
2. However, has also given rise to a lot of problems.
For one thing,For another, Finally,
a. 让步分析
Admittedly, hardship and bitterness of life could drive people to become mature. Under working pressure, children think about finishing their tasks before the deadline instead of concerning how to kill their seemingly limitless free time. Work may be the only priority of their life. It is fairly different between taking a dollar from their parents and earning one by themselves. Only the tough reality can force them to get rid of selfishness and dependence on their parents, which is exactly one of the most urgently needed cures in parental education.
b. 转折过渡+提出观点
However, everything is mixed blessing. Employing children to work should be viewed as a harsh treatment and abuse to them. Kids, after all, unlike adults, are immature both physically and psychologically. They are extremely vulnerable to both occupational hazards and social evils. More importantly, children are at the golden age for learning not only due to their brain structure but also their curiosity and desire for knowledge. It goes without saying that the silly action permitting children to work for financial reasons is ridiculous.
3. 结尾段
In the final analysis, I concede that to some extent whether the ultimate effect of phenomena is good or not, one thing is certain that phenomenon in itself is neither good nor bad. And it is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society. I am convinced that___________.
In conclusion, although there lies various excuses for letting the young children work for salary, it is pointless that this way could benefit them in terms of accumulating work experience and learning the meaning of responsibility.
和上篇文章一样,建议各位考生:不要盲目追求所谓模板,要注重灵活度。笔者认为,中国考生写作得分低,除了语法这个大问题以外,其实一味背诵模 板甚至随处套用所谓万能模板是丢分的一大原因。写作的最高境界就是把各种连接化于无形,实现语义的自然衔接。考生必须根据考题的要求,调用自己原有的 语言配上正确的语法,使作文具有鲜明的个人特色,侃侃而谈。在考场中,拉近与考官的距离而不是设置一道冷冰冰的模板墙。
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