Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. Which two subjects do you think are the most important and which one is the least important?
Subjects: Literature, Sports, Mathematics , Economy, Physics, History, Music, Geography, Philosophy, Foreign languages
文学:欣赏文学作品,表达情感,建立强大的沟通能力build strong communication skills
经济:经济学是人文科学皇冠上最闪亮的明珠Economics is the resplendent pearl on the crown of the humanistic and social science. 可以指导个人生活 guidance to personal life,学会充分利用有限资源learn to make the most of the limited resources.
哲学:思维训练a training of thought,说明世界的本质规律basic principles,让人更聪明。
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