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雅思写作高分范文:animals for experimentation

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Some people believe that the use of animals for experimentation purpose is cruel; others believe that it is necessary for the development of science.

  Animal testing has been applied as a normal procedure of scientific research for years. There are emerging criticisms arguing that the sufferings inflicted on laboratory animals are brutal. However, the progress of sciences would be seriously hampered if heavy regulations are imposed on animal research.

  Many medications and procedures currently in use would not exist if animal testing was banned. Animal testing has assisted mankind in successfully developing vaccines and antibiotics. Life-saving techniques such as organ transplant also own thanks to animal research. Such development in science has cured people around the globe, saving millions of lives. However, what could we use to achieve comparable results without animal research? Our science is not so advanced that we could test a new drug on a flower or tomato before its clinical application. Of course, mankind could not sacrifice human lives for the purpose of research.

  In comparison to the costs in terms of the sufferings on animals, the advantages that animal testing has brought to humans are much greater. Human society is required to generate valuable consequences, even at the cost of inflicting pain to some animals whose lives may be worthy. Nevertheless, the value of their lives does not count as much as the value of human life because human beings have much higher capability and sensibility than animals.

  However, it is also true that pain killers are not administered to animals in many cases of animal testing. Animals even as a lower form of life deserve to be treated with due humanity. So mankind has a moral obligation to decrease the sufferings of animals within their power.

  In conclusion, animal testing is crucial as a procedure of science. Its elimination would severely hamper development of sciences. However mankind should also do their best to decrease the sufferings of laboratory animals.



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