1 放弃:discard abdicate abandon relinquish
2 废除,取消:get rid of abolish do away with obviate
3 缩短:shorten abbreviate
4 污染:contaminate pollute
5 培养:cultivate develop foster
6 致力于:devote oneself be dedicated to do
7 浪费:lavish squander
8 代替:replace supplant supersede
9 充满:be full of be suffused of
10 合作:cooperate collaborate
11 遵守,遵从:abide comply with cohere with
12 习惯于:get used to acclimate to become inured to sth
13 增加,积累:accumulate accrue
14 起作用:activate actuate
15 阐述,分析:construe elucidate illustrate
16 减轻,缓和:allay alleviate assuage mitigate
17 减弱,削弱:weaken attenuate
18 减少,下降:abate decline wane minimize diminish descend detract
19 确定,放心:ascertain reassure
20 使困惑:baffle confuse puzzle perplex
21 使苦恼:aggrieve
22 断言,证实,宣称:declare assert proclaim avouch confirm
23 领会,意识到:be aware of apprehend grasp
24 认识到:realise cognize
25 引起,导致:lead to give rise to arouse incur
26 引出,得出:elicit draw out educe infer deduce
27 归因于:ascribe to accredit to attribute to impute to contribute to
28 证明:demonstrate affes certify
29 避免:avoid avert prevent from shun
30 禁止:prohibit forbid proscribe
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