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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.传授知识 impart/inculcate knowledge

  灌输高尚的道德观 instill high moral values

  给学生以动力 give the students motivation to do sth. Motivate the students to do sth.

  给学生以灵感 stimulate the students thought give the students inspiration

  培养 cultivate/foster/nurture

  促进学生身心的发展promote the students physcial/mental/ intellectual and emotional development

  心理健康 psychological soundness/ well-being/welfare

  塑造某人的性格 mould ones character

  责任感 a sense of obligation

  能力 aptitude/talant

  能力 ability/skill

  2 学生接受的学校教育 schooling

  儿童接受的家庭教育 upbringing parenting

  教学法 methodology/pedagogical methodology

  用填鸭式教学来教育学生 force-feed the students

  学生不应该只是被动的接受简单知识的容器Students should not be treated as passive recepacles of predigested ideas

  死记硬背 learn things by rote

  为了记忆而记忆 memorise for memorisations own sake

  以及方程式,公式,定理,定律 memorise equations,formulas,theorems and laws

  应用 apply

  盲从 follow something blindly/indiscriminately

  限制创造力的发展 extiguish/stifle/constrain creativity

  打击学生的积极性 dampen/sap the students emthusiasm/ frustrate the students

  产生不必要的压力 beget/creat undue pressure

  3 把学生分开教育segregate students

  来自于其他同学的压力 peer pressure

  适应 adapt to sth./adjust oneself to sth./become accustomed to sth.

  适应能力 adaptability

  逆境 adverse circumstances/adversity

  团队精神 team spirit

  独立思考 thing independently

  在理解的基础上学习 learn things through understanding

  鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage students to think critically

  学生的反馈 students feedback/input

  学生评价老师的教学 students appraise/evaluate their teachers performance

  学生对老师所教知识的掌握 students grasp/command of what has been taught

  4 学生学习的各门功课加在一起称为 curriculum

  具体一门课叫 syllabus

  课外活动叫 extra-curricular activities

  学校是社会的缩影 a school is society in miniature

  不遵守纪律 indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief

  不遵守纪律的学生 disruptive/unruly students

  5 理论知识 theoretical knowledge

  就业技能 employable/marketable skills

  通才 generalist

  专才 specialist

  全面发展的 well-rounded/versatile

  为社会健康发展作贡献 contribute to societal well-being/welfare

  6 大学学科的分类可以分为 人文学科humanities



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