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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  Introduction: When you look back to the last century, amazingly you will find that not only all worlds largest populated cities had experienced different population growth rates, but also the difference between the city and the countryside had grown accordingly. Two reasons of mine can examine this tendency as following.

  Topic sentence 1: The glamorous city life allures lots of human resources to move to/agglomerate in the city, taking major contribution to the gap. Supporting sentences: In the city, there are many advantages to attract those talented people to settle down--more job opportunities, cultural activities, sporting events, you name them. Therefore, even those well-educated people who are originated from the country intend to lead a dynamic city life instead of returning to face the static country view. If the rural government can work out some favorable policies such as low prices of land occupied for industrial uses, with the combination of low cost of workforce, investors are willing to establish factories in the countryside. The improvement of employment situation will enormously help pull back some intellectuals and lessen the gap.

  Topic sentence 2: In the second part, I would mention the factor of transportation. Supporting sentences: The vital resistance of economic development in the countryside is the inconvenient transportation. It has been witnessed in China that almost all leading cities are scattered along the coastline. They take advantages of sea, air and other sophisticated transport facilities to enjoy high economic growth rates. I suggest that the central government should fund on infrastructure for the whole nation, including rural areas, to build up a nationwide transport network. Consequently tourism as well as housing in the countryside will be boosted, and the difference between the city and the country would be minimized.

  conclusion: To sum up, intelligent resources would determine who is the winner or loser of the intense competition; moreover, transit systems also play an important role in developing economy. If both issues were tackled properly in the countryside, gap between the city and the country would never be overwhelming.

  The gap of living in cities and the countryside is larger and larger. What are the reasons in your country and how to reduce the differences?

  As the step of economic development accelerates, the gap between the city and the countryside becomes more and more overt, which arouses colossal concerns. Take a further look at the phenomenon, there are three major causes.

  Firstly, the insufficiency of investment in the rural areas accounts mainly for the issue. China, for example, covers a very large area. Due to the emphasis on the development in the coastal areas, the government devotes more investment in the large cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. The investment, undoubtedly, is repaid by the threefold increase of economy and commerce in these cities. However, this is not the case in the rural areas and the western regions. The lack of investment barriers the productivity and economic development and sharpens the gap between the city and the countryside.

  Secondly, the low education level in the rural areas contributes partly to the gap of living. Education is the prime force of productivity. Keeping this in mind, many countries and governments give priority to the development of education. Chinas education witnessed a rapid growth in the past decade. However, the education level in the countryside still keeps very low. The enrollment of primary schools and secondary schools is much lower compared with the advanced regions, not to mention the developed countries in the world. Without good education, the development of economy and technology would be a dream difficult to be realized.

  Finally, the influx of migrant workers to the cities from the countryside deteriorates the undeveloped condition in the rural areas. The life style in the urban areas is very attractive to the people in the countryside. To seek more working opportunities, many people abandon the fertile lands and leave them uncultivated. If the situation continues, it will lead to serious unbalance of economic and regional development.

  To sum up, only when the government renders more concerns over the issue can the gap between the cities and the countryside be bridged.

  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  Generally speaking, there has been a gap in the standard of living between cities and rural areas.And in China, the problem is seriously obvious in every corner of social life. Several contributing factors can be identified. In the following, I would like to present my point of view.

  Although Chinas economy is developing very fast, the keystone is the policy in many eastern big cities. For example, the city of Shenzhen grew quickly several years before, because its policy is widely open and the government expended great effort to help it develop. The development of Beijing and Shanghai is almost the same. But in rural areas, the policy is not that advanced. What the state cares most is the production of food, since China has a huge population. As a result, the progress of rural areas is much slower than that in cities.

  In addition, the attitude of people in the countryside is greatly different from that of people in cities. The feudal influence in countryside is apparently continuing. People there are still doing everything in traditional manners, many of which are badly impeding their improvement. By contrast, people living in cities have given up many outmoded customs, and worked out some new cultures, which makes their living style more compatible with the progress of the society.

  Moreover, many former farm laborers have rushed into cities in order to earn more money, which makes the supply of farmers sharply inadequate. As a result, people there have to give birth to more children, which causes a vicious circle in that the more they breed, the poorer they live.

  However, Chinese government has already noticed this problem, and is trying to establish some means to solve it.The way I think most efficient is to pay more attention to the science and technique in agriculture, and free part of the farmers to other occupations. And we also need to go inside the countryside, and bring them the most advanced ideas and cultures. Following this way, our society must develop faster, steadier and more balanced.

  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  An argument often heard these days is that whether or not the government should put money on building theaters and stadiums. Some believe that instead of spending money on this area, Medical care and education, both of which are basic developing factors of one country should be spent more money on. After weighting the pros and cons, I disagree with this opinion.

  Firstly, theaters and stadiums are best choice for people relaxing. Most of workers, especially white collar who often feel nervous after one days hard work, need to relax both mentally and physically. Compared with staying at home, it is much better way to stay in comfortable theater and listen to a wonderful concert.

  In addition, going to theaters and stadiums affect the same effect as education and medical care. Having more chances to go to theaters can help them mold character. There is no better way to keep healthy than doing proper sports in the daily. In this way, the culture and health will be improved greatly, which plays the same role of education and medical care.

  Moreover, theaters and stadiums are basis essential facilities to a developed city. Take holding an Olympic games as an example, it is no doubt it will take millions of money to build stadiums. Why the winner country is proud of that. Because this is a confirmation given by whole world.

  Of course I dont mean that the more theaters and stadiums, the better society will be, after all, nothing can take the important place of medical care and education.

  In summary, the key point is to keep both of this two part developing. Only in this way, can all people live better in future.

  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  Nowadays, the gap between the city and the countryside becomes more and more overt, which arouses colossal concerns. To understand the solution, lets take a closer look at the causes of the gap at first.

  The main reason of the gap is the unequal investment between city and rural area. China is a typical example. While more and more money is being invested to the coastal areas and big cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, the lack of investment barriers greatly the society development of rural area and western regions

  The low education level partly sharps the gap. There is no doubt that the prime force of productivity is education. However, because of poverty, thousands of people go to work without graduating from primary school. The poorer, the few children go to school. This bad cycle finally leads to the dream of rich becoming a dream that is hard to realize.

  Moreover, the rural area is short of people with high quality. A survey proved that most of university students, whether they come from city or countryside, choose big cities instead of poor areas to work. The rural area can neither adept talent man nor attract talent man. No wonder the gap is increasing largely.

  Hence, The government ought to knock itself out to decrease the gap as soon as possible. First, balance the investment between city and rural area. In addition, the education level should be improved, especially pay attention on raising high quality people. Besides, let more people realize the latent capacity of rural area in order to attract talent and investment. The set up of CCTV channel12-western region channel is a good example.

  Only when the ways mentioned above are realized step by step, can the gap between the cities and the countryside be bridged.

  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  As the step of economic development accelerates, the gap between the city and the countryside becomes more and more overt, which arouses colossal concerns. Take a further look at the phenomenon, there are three major causes.

  Firstly, the insufficiency of investment in the rural areas accounts mainly for the issue. China, for example, covers a very large area. Due to the emphasis on the development in the coastal areas, the government devotes more investment in the large cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. The investment, undoubtedly, is repaid by the threefold increase of economy and commerce in these cities. However, this is not the case in the rural areas and the western regions. The lack of investment barriers the productivity and economic development and sharpens the gap between the city and the countryside.

  Secondly, the low education level in the rural areas contributes partly to the gap of living. Education is the prime force of productivity. Keeping this in mind, many countries and governments give priority to the development of education. Chinas education witnessed a rapid growth in the past decade. However, the education level in the countryside still keeps very low. The enrollment of primary schools and secondary schools is much lower compared with the advanced regions, not to mention the developed countries in the world. Without good education, the development of economy and technology would be a dream difficult to be realized.

  Finally, the influx of migrant workers to the cities from the countryside deteriorates the undeveloped condition in the rural areas. The life style in the urban areas is very attractive to the people in the countryside. To seek more working opportunities, many people abandon the fertile lands and leave them uncultivated. If the situation continues, it will lead to serious unbalance of economic and regional development.

  To sum up, only when the government renders more concerns over the issue, can the gap between the cities and the countryside be bridged.

  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  nowaday,the gap between cities and countryside is getting more and more larger.the factors for it is complex.i would like to disccuss the main reason for the phenomenon.

  some place the blames on the few employment opportunity in countryside.today,men and women crowd into the big cities in order to in seach of employment ,a better life .especially young school leavers,including some graduates born from the countryside,are reluctant to seek a job in countryside.as a result.city gains more modersization while few attention can be given to the countryside.

  other contribute it to the goverments ignoring attitutes to it.every year,goverment contribute more of limited money to build more musuemes and galleries in big cities.they can attract the investment from abroad,anf furturemore,it can improve the development of cities.while there are a lot of people in countryside who are stilll struggling below the line of poverty.this disequlibrium lead to the gap.

  therefore,the contribution and education of contryside should be fully given the priority by govenment.government should make good use of every cent to bridge the gap!

  with the increasing numbers of guaduates,the employment opportunity of big city is getting few and few.while there are a lot of the potentially succesfull opportunity and career development in countryside.all neglacted tasts should be undertaken,why not go there to play your ability to full?

  Topic: The gap between standard of living in the city and the countryside is increasingly becoming wide. How to reduce the difference?

  All countries with a vast territory face the problem of uneven development between cities and countries. The economic development of China, is likened to an eagle spreading only one wing for flight. This implies that while the urban area has made great stride during the 20-odd years of reform and opening, the rural region has lagged behind. What with the external and the internal factors, the gap between them becomes more and more overt. In my submission, what we should do is to suit the remedy to the case.

  In the first place, the insufficiency of investment in countries accounts mainly for the issue. It has been witnessed in China that most leading cities are scattered along the coastline. It is because that the government devotes more investment in such areas as ShangHai and Shenzhen, with implementing widely open policies.

  However, this is not the case in rural areas. The lack of investment heavily hampers the productivity and economic development. So, recently the government has been introducing some effective measures, such as, development of western regions, to offer investors more trade and investment opportunities, with the aim of expediting the progress of poverty-ridden interior.

  In the second place, the low education level in countries attributes to the gap. The form chairman of China, Dengxiaopeng strengthened the notion repeatedly, Science and technology is the primary productive force. which illustrates the magnitude of education. Although instruction system in China experienced a rapid advancement in the two decades, the level in countries has not gained overt ground so far. And in true chicken-or-the-egg fashion, the lag of countries deters the progress in education. So I suggest the government should fund on ameliorating the education system not only in hardware but also in software.

  In brief, only when the government renders more concerns over the issue, will we enable the eagle to spread both wings. Though it is not an easy nut to crack, I believe this situation will be mend gradually.



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