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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The contentious issue in the domain of sociology in the past mainly concentrated on competition and cooperation still has been steeped in controversy nowadays. The key point of it is, which factor has priority in childrens education. In my submission, they are not contradictory to each other. Not without either of them can children gain ground any more. Both of them are required.

  On one hand, competition is ubiquitous. It exists not only between individual but also between groups or community and is more and more furious. Brutal though it seems to be, it does stimulate our growth. Not to advance is to go back. Suffice it to say that how outstanding students become. It is because that, even if they have already got high marks, they often keep studying hard lest someone should catch up with them. Sense of competition prompts them to make progress unceasingly.

  On the other hand, cooperation is the approach to get ahead, as individual power is limited after all. Can one person build up the Great Wall? Obviously no. Modern pedagogy also emphasize on fostering childrens collaboration spirits. Take computer-supported cooperative work, groupware that is a type of software designed for groups and for communication, as an instance. Students are encouraged to accomplish systematically ordered instruction tasks by teamwork. During working together they can perceive their own weaknesses and others merits as well, which are virtual for them to go forwards.

  To sum up, competition and cooperation are inseparable and indispensable in children education. Without competition we will loosen demand to ourselves, meanwhile without cooperation we will achieve nothing. We should treat them in dialectical view. At the same time, as the competition among Chinese children are more fierce people are more likely negligible to cooperation. So, I slightly tilt towards cooperation.



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