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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  nowaday,people constantly found themselve exposed variety of imformation, imformation is indeed nessasy to peoples life.it bring great benefit to all of us.

  their is no denying that information bring a great convinience to people.Sitting at home,all we have to do is to press the button,then we can lattest information about what peple;s life is like in other country.since we have internet ,we can research our information need only by doubling the mouse.it open the fantastic world to us.in our school library.we can check the catelogue of congress to the team paper for it.information has became an indispensable part of human being.without it,we would act like blind,and could not step forward.

  Despite the positive infludence the information plays,their passive aspect cant be neglect.the young people are not support to variety of imformation.they dont have enought experience to tell good from bad or right from wrong.for examaple,books with much discription of violence and sex will tempt the children to fight and commit sex crime.

  some tv programm are also contamination.there are a lot of pronolograghy things which bring bad impart on children.for instance.if a person on tv get what he or she want by stealing it.children maybe copy this behaviour.therefore,they gain the unacceptable values,which will be harmful to their further development.

  To sum up,we should take action to control the increasing the neglected influence on the young people.for one thing.instruction and advise is nessasary to their education.young people who receive the proper instruction will be more likely to became the frendly social members.for another ,the strict law should be issued to keep them under control.i am sure,information will play more and more function in the future



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