1. Used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fail in a subject
2. 不能evaluate ones true ability.只是测试memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure.高分does not mean possessing creativity in dealing various problems
3. Encourage bad study habits, emphasis on memorizing 考试内容 rather than to think。考试前非常用功,但是考试后forget all the information
4. lower the standards of teaching, deprive teachers of freedom. Teacher are judge by the examination results of students, 老师只顾教了考试技巧。
5. 考试是可以作为评判学生的一个依据,但是不能是唯一evaluation.
上一篇: 雅思写作高分密钥:逻辑连接词
下一篇: 雅思写作提纲:科技产品利弊
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