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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  对于写作考试许多人都十分头疼,特别是马上就要考试的,我推荐一个不错的资料网站 www.answers.com ,里面只要输入你所要写的topic,就可以出来不少段落文字,供你临时抱佛脚,比如写一道压力来源的题目,我就可以输入stress这个词,其中我找到这样一段文字供大家参考,它基本定义了压力和分析了压力的来源,考生可以借鉴其中的一些优秀词句,作为在短期内写作实力的必要补充。




  Stress is defined as an organisms total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. More recently, however, the word stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response. One recurrent disagreement among researchers concerns the definition of stress in humans. Is it primarily an external response that can be measured by changes in glandular secretions, skin reactions, and other physical functions, or is it an internal interpretation of, or reaction to, a stressor; or is it both?


  Stress in humans results from interactions between persons and their environment that are perceived as straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their well-being. The element of perception indicates that human stress responses reflect differences in personality, as well as differences in physical strength or general health.

  Risk factors for stress-related illnesses are a mix of personal, interpersonal, and social variables. These factors include lack or loss of control over ones physical environment, and lack or loss of social support networks. People who are dependent on others or who are socially disadvantaged are at greater risk of developing stress-related illnesses. Other risk factors include feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, extreme fear or anger, and cynicism or distrust of others.

  Causes and symptoms

  The causes of stress can include any event or occurrence that a person considers a threat to his or her coping strategies or resources. Researchers generally agree that a certain degree of stress is a normal part of a living organisms response to the inevitable changes in its physical or social environment, and that positive, as well as negative, events can generate stress as well as negative occurrences. Stress-related disease, however, results from excessive and prolonged demands on an organisms coping resources.

  The symptoms of stress can be either physical and psychological. Stress-related physical illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome, heart attacks, and chronic headaches, result from long-term overstimulation of a part of the nervous system that regulates the heart rate, blood pressure, and digestive system. Stress-related emotional illness results from inadequate or inappropriate responses to major changes in ones life situation, such as marriage, completing ones education, becoming a parent, losing a job, or retirement. Psychiatrists sometimes use the term adjustment disorder to describe this type of illness. In the workplace, stress-related illness often takes the form of burnouta loss of interest in or ability to perform ones job due to long-term high stress levels.


  When the doctor suspects that a patients illness is connected to stress, he or she will take a careful history that includes stressors in the patients life . Many physicians will evaluate the patients personality as well, in order to assess his or her coping resources and emotional response patterns. There are a number of personality inventories and psychological tests that doctors can use to help diagnose the amount of stress that the patient experiences and the coping strategies that he or she uses to deal with them. Stress-related illness can be diagnosed by primary care doctors, as well as by those who specialize in psychiatry. The doctor will need to distinguish between adjustment disorders and anxiety or mood disorders, and between psychiatric disorders and physical illnesses that have psychological side effects.


  Recent advances in the understanding of the many complex connections between the human mind and body have produced a variety of mainstream approaches to stress-related illness. Present treatment regimens may include one or more of the following:

  Top Ten Stressful Life Events

  Death of spouse


  Marital separation

  Jail term or death of close family member

  Personal injury or illness


  Loss of job due to termination

  Marital reconciliation or retirement


  下面我输入the source of stress

  Sources of Stress

  Stressors can be categorized as follows:

  1. Significant Life Adjustments

  Any critical life changes, both pleasant and unpleasant.

  2. Daily Routines

  Daily routines such as fighting the rush hour traffic or meeting the deadline on an important project zap your energy. You become accustomed to your daily activities and easily overlook their cumulative effect on you.

  3. Unrealistic Self-Expectations

  While positive self-expectations motivate you to realize your goals, unrealistic expectations can lead to setting yourself up for failure and a lowering of self-esteem.

  4. Interpersonal Relationships

  Both personal and professional relationships require a significant amount of effort to maintain. Poor communication leads to conflicts that can escalate into increased frustration and open hostility.




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