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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  学习外语的时间   四段作文,公正看问题,复杂地分析   段1:复杂,没有结论,而是多面分析这个问题。   The key question in this topic is at what time a child should start to learn a foreign language. Thinking carefully, I find this question is not as simple as many people have thought because it is closely associated with such factors as teachers, teaching environment, and the like. Hence, it is illogical to give an absolute answer.


  The first thing I am talking about in this essay is about learning a foreign language in primary schools. However, asking children to learn a foreign language during this period of time demands many things. On the one hand, children must be interested in this language. Otherwise, it would be harmful to force them to study. My own case in childhood is an example. At primary school, teachers and parents forced me to learn English, which I hated. As a result, today English is a disaster to me. On the other hand, the primary school must be able to provide enough teachers who have lived or learned in a foreign country for at least half a year. If so, it might be favorable for primary school students.


  好处?学生学业, 就业,成长


  段3: 初高中开始




  Secondly, I would like to study the case of learning a foreign language in secondary school. Like what has been talked in the paragraph above, students interest in learning a language must be further emphasized. However, the real picture is that many students are neither motivated nor encouraged to study but are seriously stressed by various foreign language tests, which are boring and dull. For instance, the endless English tests in my high school were horrible nightmares. In this case students are not learning the language but learning the test tricks. Ironically, some language training centers or organizations hook students by claiming their outstanding test tricks in such tests as Ielts, GRE, or TOEFL. Admittedly, if possible, it would be a great advantage for teenagers to learn a foreign language in secondary school. This is because the best time to learn a foreign language is, according to experts, between 11 and 16 years old. That is in the secondary school.

  To sum up, some should start to learn in the primary school while others should do in the secondary school.



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