1. 数据的起点
In 1960, the proportion of the 15-46 age group stood at approximately 65%, compared to 30% and 5% of other two age groups.
在描述数据起点的时候,标准的动词词组是stand at, 当然我们还可以使用其他动词来引导,比如begin, start等。
In 1950, world oil discovery stood at 20 million barrels a year.
In 1400, the world population stood at approximately 400 million.
2. 起点的表象意义
In 1960, the 15-46 age groups constituted slightly under two thirds of the Japanese population. By comparison, the figures for other two age groups were 30% and 5% respectively.
In 1960, slightly under two thirds of the populations in Japan were people of 15-46 age groups. By comparison, the figures for other two age groups were 30% and 5% respectively.
In 1950, 20 million barrels oil was discovered globally.
1. 最大值
首先我们来看一下2007年6月2日的考题:这个题目由2个饼图组成,主体段首先以描写第一个饼图开始,而第一个饼图首先先写的是占最大份额的那块扇形, 即TV,从图中我们可以看到,美国普通人在TV上花的时间最多,要远远高于其他媒体,因此,它的表象意义可以说成是TV是最受欢迎的媒体,转换成句子即:
It is noticeable that TV obtained the highest popularity among the US general population, with a total of 4hrs 28min being spent on it, which accounted for over half of the first graph.
请注意在这个句子中,最受欢迎的表达方式用obtain the highest popularity,而非很多人的第一反应be the most popular,因为这样写从句型档次上来说更高,而且可以避免medium单数的拼写错误(很多人搞不清楚media的单复数形式)。另外,在句子前 面加上It is noticeable that可以突出数据最大的明显性,这个主句的结构建议大家也要熟记。
同样的写法可以应用于2008年10月11日的考题,同样为2个饼图,在第一个饼图中最大值full-time course占据了38%的份额,用表象意义来写的话可以这样:
It is noticeable that full-time course obtains the highest popularity among the employees, with slightly over one third of them attending it.
Full-time course constitutes over one third of the first chart或者是Slightly over one third of the employees choose full-time course.
若以这样的写法描述其表象意义的话显然效果就不明显了,因为这样写的话无法突出full-time course是份额最大的,因为单纯写38%这个数据,无法让读者获悉这个课程是否是最受欢迎的课程,因为也许会有超过50%以上的份额的课程存在,因此 我们在用表象意义写的时候要密切注意意思的合理性。
接着我们再来看看2007年3月31日考题,题目为一个数据表格,第一行有3个数据,分别是27.3%, 32,2%和22.8%,代表的是美国三个州18岁以下人口的比重。其中我们先描写的是Utah,因为其数据是最大的。它的表象意义可以这样来写:
In Utah, nearly one third of the residents are persons under 18 years old, which is much higher than that in other two states.
上一篇: 雅思写作的灵魂词汇:关联词和题干核心词
下一篇: 雅思写作辅导:迅速构建作文框架(1)
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