bonnet/hood引擎罩 bumper保险杠 windscreen挡风玻璃 radiator散热器 headlight前灯;头灯 taillight后灯,尾灯 fender挡泥板 trunk后备箱 steering wheel方向盘 suspension悬挂 engine引擎 chassis底盘 clutch离合器 gearbox变速箱
国内英语资讯:China, Germany agree to speed up talks on China-EU investment agreement, enrich bilateral ti
炎热的夏日 The Hot Summer
国内英语资讯:Political advisory body holds symposium on Belt and Road building
体坛英语资讯:Wolfsburg sign U.S. international Brooks
国内英语资讯:Chinese vice premier stresses implementation of major sci-tech programs
研究指出 仰卧起坐会造成背部疼痛
国际英语资讯:Cousins of Manchester suicide bomber say have no idea he was a terrorist
他们是同学 They Are Schoolmates
国际英语资讯:Not even a hint May will resign as latest poll warns she could lose majority
国内英语资讯:China reiterates support for European integration
给年轻女孩的建议 The Advices For the Young Girls
Long 冗长乏味的
国内英语资讯:China Internet regulator says cyber security law not a trade barrier
国内英语资讯:Chinese premier urges EU to fulfill WTO obligations
6月起一批新规将实施 网络安全法加强个人信息保护
国内英语资讯:Chinese premier calls for joint efforts with Germany to promote trade liberalization
国际英语资讯:Russia expels Moldovan, Estonian diplomats in retaliation
国际英语资讯:Cuba opens up to private sector but remain socialist character
国际英语资讯:UN Security Council agrees to blacklist more DPRK individuals, entities
不同年龄阶段的女性 睡眠时间多长才合适?
国际英语资讯:Slovak diplomat elected UN General Assembly president
Say, speak, talk, tell “说”不同