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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  36. denominator 分母

  37. deviation 离差

  38. dimension 尺寸 尺度 A line has one dimension and a square has two.

  39. evaluate 评价 估计

  40. hemisphere 半球

  41. horizontal 地平线的 水平的

  42. hyperbola 双曲线

  43. intersect 相交 These two lines intersect at the original point.

  44. invariance 不变性 恒定性

  45. increment 增加 增量

  46. maximize 取。..最大值

  47. negative 否定 负数

  48. numerator 分子

  49. pentagon 五角形 五边形

  50. perimeter 周长 周界

  51. permutation 排列 置换 Permutation is an ordered arrangement of the elements of a set.

  52. quadrant 象限 四分仪

  53. quotient 商 A quotient is the number obtained by dividing one quantity by another.

  54. fraction 分数

  55. decimal 十进制的 小数 The metric system is a decimal system.

  56. diameter 直径

  57. ellipse 椭圆

  58. radius 半径 A line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on its circumference is a radius.

  59. vertical 垂直的 Vertical communication happens between subordinates and superiors.

  60. deduction 减

  61. statistics 统计学 统计表

  62. even 偶数的

  63. odd 奇数的

  64. enumerate 枚举 计数 Sam can enumerate all the presidents of the United States.

  65. calculate 计算 Children calculate with the help of their fingers when they are learning counting.

  66. calculus 微积分学

  67. percentage 百分数 The percentage of unskilled workers is small.

  68. proportion 比例 均衡 We do not always find visible happiness in proportion to visible virtue.

  69. exponent 指数

  70. derivative 导数 The limiting value of the ratio of the change in the function to the corresponding change in its independent variable is called derivative.

  71. power 乘方 幂

  72. arc 弧 弓形

  73. infinity 无限 无穷大



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