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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  31. welfare 福利 安宁

  32. efficiency 效率 功效 The program was implemented with great efficiency and speed.

  33. unempolyment 失业

  34. entrepreneur 企业家 主办人

  35. factor 因素 要素

  36. reserve 储备 保存 The government raised the official reserve ratio for commercial banks.

  37. fiscal 财政的 国库的 Monetarypolicy and fiscal policy are tools for the government to curb the development of the conomy.

  38. industrialization 工业化 产业化

  39. deflation 通货紧缩

  40. index 指数 指标

  41. securities 证券

  42. insurance 保险 保险单

  43. futures 期货

  44. inventory 存货

  45. financial 财政的 金融的 Mr. Danial is our financial adviser.

  46. budget 预算 A new car will not be part of our budget this year.

  47. equilibrium 平衡

  48. hyperinflation 恶性通货膨胀

  49. aggregate 合计 Aggregate sales in that market is expected to grow.

  50. incentive 刺激 鼓励 Taxation policy is sometimes used as incentive to attract investment.

  51. profitability 收益性

  52. allocation 分配 安置

  53. rigidity 刚性 坚硬

  54. share 共享 参与

  55. stock 股本 股票

  56. Nasdaq 纳斯达克

  57. payment 付款 支付

  58. stagger 摇晃 蹒跚

  59. distortion 扭曲 变形

  60. function 功能 作用



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