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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   爱 love; affection,like; be fond of; be keen on,cherish; hold dear; take good care of; treasure,be apt to; be in the habit of

   母爱 maternal love; mother love; a mothers love for her children; maternal affection

   父爱 paternal love

   父母的爱 parental love

   父母子女间的爱 love between parent and child

   子女对长辈的爱 filial love

   互爱 reciprocal affection

   慈爱 the benevolent affections

   疼爱 the tender love

   夫妻之爱 conjugal love

   深深的爱 ardent love

   狂热的爱 fanatic love; wild love

   强烈的爱 a keen affection

   爱如己出 cherish a child as ones own

   爱恨交织 be overwhelmed by mixed lovehate feelings

   爱憎分明 have a clearcut stand on what to love and what to hate

   爱莫能助 be sympathetic but have no ability to help; be willing to, but powerless to render assistance

   爱校如家 love the school as dearly as one does ones own home

   永远相爱 love each other with an undying affection

   疼爱某人 dearly love sb.; set ones affection on sb.

   终生钟爱妻子 retain a tender affection for ones wife to the end of ones life

   真诚地爱 love sincerely

   专一地爱某人 love sb. devotedly

   至死不渝地爱某人 love sb. to the day of ones death

   炽热地爱 have a burning love for...

   爱上某人 fall in love with sb.; grow tender of sb.

   爱子女 feel affection to ones children; have an affection for ones children

   表示对某人的爱 show love to sb.

   公开表示对某人的爱 declare ones love to sb.

   渴望得到某人的爱 desire the love of sb.

   需要母爱 need a mother care

   怀疑某人对的爱 doubt sb.s love for...

   博得某人的爱 earn sb. win sb.s love

   保持对某人的爱 keep ones affection of sb.; retain ones love for sb.

   激起对的爱 inspire a love for...



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