Aztec 族的考古成果补充知识墨西哥中部民族的一支,其文明程度的最高峰处于16世纪初西班牙的攻占时期,传说其民族有牺牲祭祀神灵的传统发源自狩猎聚集的部落在墨西哥北部的高地,农业十分发达
31.In what form did the Aztec pay their tribute to emporer?
32. When the historian become aware of the rapid population growth among Aztec?
33. Which areas besides hill sides did the Azetecs bring into cultivation?
34. where did the only archaeological evidence come from?
35. Apart from home what kinds of buildings did Cuexcomate have?
The speaker mentioned several factors suggest that Atec farmer were more than simple peasants?
the payment of high tributes
the existent of a marketa systerm
imports from other country
the exchanging of craft googds
the export of highly decoration pottery
the exsistent of pottery
Rich colored bowls are in the house of both families and 39.
Same in the case of metal
Only exception on this 40. which we can probably ignore
上一篇: 雅思口语分类词汇--餐具、调味品
下一篇: 雅思分类词汇:厨房和烹饪