雅思词汇:甲流(Swine Flu)词汇大集合-查字典英语网
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雅思词汇:甲流(Swine Flu)词汇大集合

发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  flu 流感

  influenza 流感

  swine flu 甲流

  bird flu 禽流感

  swine flu symptoms 甲流症状

  swine flu outbreak 甲流爆发

  fever 高烧

  headache 头痛

  sore throat 喉咙痛

  cough 咳嗽

  sneeze 打喷嚏

  running nose 流鼻涕

  stuffy nose 鼻塞

  surgical/gauze mask 口罩

  symptomatic infection 有症状感染

  breathing system 呼吸系统

  contagious 接触传染性的

  infect v. 传染,使感染

  infection 传染,感染

  infected 带菌的,受感染的

  infectious 具有传染性的,感染的

  H1N1 virus 甲流病毒

  H1N1 vaccine 甲流疫苗

  vaccinate 接种疫苗

  allergy 过敏

  be allergic to 对... 过敏

  antibody 抗体

  medicine, drug 药物

  tamiflu 达菲

  prvent,take precautions against..,预防

  take preventive measures 采取预防措施

  medical treatment 药物治疗

  be isolated ,be in isolation 被隔离

  isolation ward 隔离病房

  be hospitalized 住院治疗

  be under treatment in hospital 住院治疗

  mutated strain of H1N1 H1N1的突变

  fatality 不治

  drug resistance 耐药性

  epidemics 疫情

  ventilate 使通风

  ventilated 通风的

  stuffy 不透气的

  crowded 拥挤的

  increase the risk of swine flu infection 增加感染甲流风险

  transmission of the virus from pigs to humans 病毒传播从猪到人

  carry out the policy of putting prevention first 执行/贯彻预防为主的方针

  set up an effective surveillance system for epidemics 建立一个有效的疫情监管机制

  set up public awareness of swine flu prevention 树立预防甲流的公众意识

  confirmed cases of swine flu 甲流确诊病例

  suspected cases of swine flu 甲流疑似病例

  WHO 世界卫生组织

  take care 保重




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