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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Stephen Liu Yiu-keung and Yeo Boon-ann have been appointed as joint liquidators of the company, to implement the transactions outlined in the Settlement Deed.


  It is estimated that the sales volume of gold and jewelry during the week-long holiday saw a year-on-year increase of around 35 percent as business was brisk throughout the country

  at a discount:打折扣

  The valuation is at a discount to the countrys number-five lender, Bank of Communications , whose shares trade at about 2.2 times book.

  peak season:高峰期

  The first and last three days will be thepeak season of the National Day holiday. The aviation industry has entered into high season, with 400,000 passengers transporting everyday and load factor is close to 75 percent.


  These headcount reductions are indispensable. They will contribute to significant improvements in the competitiveness of Mercedes-Benz through an increase in productivity, the company said.

  bow out:由退出

  Dozens of MP3 player manufacturers in Shenzhen are bowing outas fierce competition has severely squeezed their profit margins.

  market maker:做市商

  The Peoples Bank of China may name banks including HSBC Holdings Plc., Citigroup Inc. and Bank of China as market makers in the yuan, a step toward a freely traded currency, bankers and traders familiar with the situation said.

  tone up:增加

  These firms make a decisive contribution to job creation. Our aim is to liberate their massive potential to improve competitiveness, tone up employment, boost economic growth and encourage social cohesion, Sioufas said.


  Disruptions to oil and gas supplies may add to energy price gyrations,they said.

  wean off:使脱离

  Chinas central bank pledged Monday to keep the newly unshackled yuan basically stable but urged fresh efforts to wean the economy off export-driven growth.



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