雅思听力替换原则1. 同义词替换。
如 scientist 和 researcher 之间的替换,disadvantage 和 drawback 的替换,sign和indication的替换。
雅思听力替换原则2. 同义词组的替换。
如:keep to oneself 替换 be not friendly
雅思听力替换原则3. 主动与被动的替换。
The passengers were rescued by boats and pleasure-craft 替换 Boats and pleasure-craft came to rescue the passengers.
雅思听力替换原则4. 加减关系的替换。
如,某题原文为 The bottles made in most places contain about three-quarters new glass and the rest is recycled.
该题题干为 Most bottle makers use about __% recycled glass.
用总数 1 减去 ? 得 ? ,再转换成百分数即得答案,正确答案为25%。
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