年纪:young,old, years old
体型:tall,high,short, small ,fat,stocky,slim, thin,slender,medium-built。Beautiful, 170 centimeters tall。同时大家应记住这些词合理的组合方式,比如tall and slim,不应该是short and slim。
面部特征: beardand moustache,clean-shaven,dimple, scar,chin。注意这些词的相互搭配。比如a small scar in his chin。常佩戴的东西有jewelry,hat和glasses。
头发:curly black hair, blond hair, pigtail, wavy hair, straight hair, short hair, long hair, spiky hair。
着装: formal dress:suit and tie,casual dress:jeans and T shirts,loose clothes,tight clothes,shirt,女裙,white,dark,black,light。
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