如剑7 Test 2中的第31-35题
Questions 31-35
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Left and Right Handedness in Sport
31 Anita first felt the Matthews article was of value when she realised
A how it would help her difficulties with left-handedness.
B the relevance of connections he made with music.
C the impressive size of his research project.
32 Anita feels that the findings on handedness will be of value in
A helping sportspeople identify their weaknesses.
B aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game.
C developing suitable training programmes for sportspeople.
33 Anita feels that most sports coaches
A know nothing about the influence of handedness.
B focus on the wrong aspects of performance.
C underestimate what science has to offer sport.
34 A German study showed there was greater mixed handedness in musicians who
A started playing instruments in early youth.
B play a string instrument such as the violin.
C practise a great deal on their instrument.
35 Studies on ape behaviour show that
A apes which always use the same hand to get food are most successful.
B apes have the same proportion of left- and right-handers as humans.
C more apes are left-handed than right-handed.
My topic is handedness - whether in different sports it is better to be left- or right-sided or whether a more balanced approach is more successful. Im left-handed myself and I actually didnt see any relevance to my own life when I happened to start reading an article by a sports psychologist called Peter Matthews. He spent the first part of the article talking about handedness in music instead of sport, which I have to say almost put me off from reading further. But what I soon became struck by was the sheer volume of both observation and investigation he had done in many different sports and I felt persuaded that what he had to say would be of real interest. I think Matthews findings will be beneficial, not so much in...
这边作者先介绍了一下自己的情况,也就是left-handed,这里和选项A比较相近,但是此时并没有读出题干来,因此我们完全可以排除 A这个答案。接下来,作者提到了Peter Matthews这个人,并且提到了music,也就是和B很相近,此时他的态度是almost put me off,这个和题干中的of value矛盾,也就是这个也不是答案。此时我们已经可以很顺利的选到正确答案C了。将错误的信息全部排除,剩下的就一定是正确的答案。
当然此题可以通过同义词互换做出来,也就是这边标注了答案的地方:sheer volume和C选项中的impressive size是类似的意思。但是很多同学会发现,这个词比较难听懂。也就无法很快的找到答案了。
Matthews also reports studies of handedness in apes. Apes get a large proportion of their food by fishing ants from ant hills. The studies show that apes, like humans, show handedness - though for them right- and left-handedness is about equal, whereas about 85% of humans are right-handed. Studies showed that apes consistently using the same hand fished out 30% more ants than those varying between the two.
这道题最大的难度不是听出fished out 30% more ants是和A选项的more successful是同义词互换,而是很多同学会将前面的right- and left-handedness is about equal误认为就是B选项的same proportion of left- and right-handers,而导致选错答案。也就是我们上面刚刚提到的需要排除错误选项即干扰信息。这就是我们所说的做选择题的另外一个思路剔。
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