顺序节奏:雅思听力共40个题目均按照顺序性原则出题,因此,在读题过程中要清楚了解每道题的考点,为有目的的进行听力做准备,即有效Listen for sth的做题思路;
一个简单的对话例子,CAMBRIAGE 4 TEST3 的SECTION1, 问题考试用书是length of time in Australia, 当提问者问到 how long have you been in Australia?回答者:A year in Adelaide and six months in Sydney, i prefer Sydney...这个题目很多同学答案会选择6months, 主要原因是只知道悉尼是澳大利亚的城市,却不知道Adelaide也是澳大利亚的城市,在听力中如果有一些地理常识当然会帮助做题,但是如果熟悉对话技巧的话,通过发问者的问题:在澳大利亚已经待了多长时间?我们会很明显逻辑的推出后面回答均是在澳大利亚的时间,故答案为18months或者1.5years。
Section1对话如此,同样与seciton1一样均为对话的Section3也处处可见对话的逻辑优势,在清楚2个speaker之间的逻辑关系之后,我们会很容易找到题目的切入点,如:剑8 Test 3 Q 27-30的配对题,出题形式大家都很熟悉,与C7T4S3 Q23-26 极为相似, 即:
What does Paul decide about each of the following modules?
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 27-30.
A He will do this
B He might do this
C He wont do this
27. Gender Studies in Latin America_____
28. Second Language Acquisition ______
29. Indigenous Womens Lives ______
30. Portuguese Language Studies ______
通过题目要求我们不难看出,此题主要考察Paul的个人观点,因此根据对话的逻辑的技巧,我们只需要通过对方提出27-30中的module名字定位,然后集中精力听paul的观点是积极or 肯定or犹豫就很容易选出答案。
当然在对话中,speaker之间有时候也可以互相辅助,当初步预测由speaker A说出答案时,有可能speaker A的语言相对比较模糊,或者没有听清楚时,speakerB的对答显的尤为重要,比如:在CAMBRIAGE 4 的TEST1 的SECTION 3中一对师生对话,主要围绕学生申请延迟论文完成时间及老师对参考书目给予建议;其中对于Roberts的文章,老师给的建议是the one by Roberts says very well things although it is not essential, 通过这个建议,我们很难在选项中短时间内选出答案,但是学生回答是:ok, if it is useful, i will read this one. So答案就非常明显即选项中的useful.
比如:C5T4S3 Q25-Q27 大家通过原文难看出信号词的重要性。
Q 25 ......But I think theyre much more cautious than that and expect they will start trying to find individuals whod be prepared to back them with some of the capital they need.
Q27 .....But a more ambitious approach,and one which I think would have more chance of success, would be to alter how theyre running things-the management layers and the processes.
Q28......and I want you to take Box Telecom as an example and suggest some ways in which they might overcome their Problems.
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