导读:查字典英语网整理《学前英语常用词汇: 动物》,供小朋友学习英语使用。快来看一看,这些单词你都认识吗?更多相关资讯,请持续关注查字典英语网。
pig cat dog chicken hen
cock turkey duck goose horse cow
sheep goat rabbit elephant bird eagle
beaver snake ant mouse squirrel monkey
panda lamb donkey lobster shark seal fish
fox frog bee bear dragon deer giraffe hare kangaroo
koala lion ox panther puma rat squirrel rat turtle tiger
camel snailspider fly crocodile dragonfly whale dolphin bat
上一篇: 学前英语常用词汇:颜色(color)
下一篇: 学前英语常用词汇:人物
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