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发布时间:2016-01-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

1. - Will our team win the match?

- _____. Our players are the best!

A.There's not much doubt about it. B.There's some doubt about it.

C.No problem! D.It's hard to say.

2. The editor's job is to keep the newspaper______ and _____ to the readers.

A.balanced;interested B.balancing;interesting

C.balanced;interesting D.balancing;interested

3. My favourite article is____I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China.

A.that B.one C.what D.which

4. -Mum,is the pair of gloves _______ mine?

-Yes.You have to wear another pair.

A.washing B.have washed C.having washed D.being washed

5. Please explain how two or more things are similar _____different from each other.

A.to or B.or C.to and D.and

6. Mrs Green is a _________ teacher.

A.born B.bearing C.experiencing D.experienced

7.Hawking says that even the best theory can________ to be wrong.

A.turn up B.turn down C.turn off D.turn out

8.Everyone has his or her special_________ and_____________ .

A.skill;interest B.skills;interests

C.skill;interests D.skills;interest

9. He must be lying,for what he says doesn't__________ the fact.

A.fit B.match C.suit D.get

10. The result is a better understanding of the world__________.

A.on the side B.on the sides C.on all the sides D.on all sides

11. -Is anything__________?

-I can't decide which dress I should wear at my friend's wedding party.

一I don't think it__________.

A.the matter;the matter B.matter;matters

C.the matter;matters D.matter;the matter

12.The peaceful meeting ended when the company_____ a group of angry men_____sticks to fight with the citizens.

A.sent off;armed with B.sent off;arming with

C.sent out;armed with D.sent out;arming with

13. collections of poetry,poems are put together.

A.On B.In C.At D.Of

14.If you are the judge,you must your personal feelings.

A.set about B.set off C.set out D.set aside

15.A new school building is under construction,so we can't walk __we liked as before.

A.as B.where C.which D.when

16.He must be angry, for we heard the glass ________ on the floor.

A. being broken B. break C. broken D. to be broken

17. reading is to mind,food is to blood.

A.That B.Which C.How D.What

18.Mrs Black went back to place she had found the diamond.

A.the same;where B.the same;as

C.the same;that D.as the same;as

19.--I'll stand him if he is right.

--You always support the man who is right.

A.by B.up to C.with D.in for

20.Modern English from about the middle 16th century.

A.took place B.came about C.came into being D.happened


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