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发布时间:2016-01-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. _____________ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both young and old. (全国)

2. Eugene's never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use __________(argue) with him. (上海)

3. Please remain _________(seat); the winner of the prize will be announced soon. (辽宁)

4. — Can I smoke here?

— Sorry. We don’t allow ___________(smoke) here. (江苏)

5. It is difficult to imagine his _____________(accept) the decision without any consideration. (陕西)

6. I can’t stand ____________(work) with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _________(stop) talking while she works. (北京)

7. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need ___________(repair). (陕西)

8. Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried ________ (live) alone, but she didn’t like it and moved back home. (湖南)

9. — Robert is indeed a wise man.

— Oh, yes. How often I have regretted ____________(not take) his advice! (安徽)

10. If you think that treating a woman well means always ________ (get) her permission for things, think again. (湖南)

11. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _______________________(open and close) could be heard outside the classroom. (全国)

12. —They are quiet, aren’t they?www.X kb1.coM

—Yes. They are accustomed to _____________ (not talk) at meals. (江苏)

13. Isn't it time you got down to ______________(mark) the papers? (重庆)

14. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ____ (set) up some schools for poor children. (上海)

15. She looks forward every spring to ________ (walk) in the flower-lined garden. (上海)


1. --- Tom, I'm afraid I can't go to the picnic with you.

---But you ___ me you would.

A. had told B. have told C. told D. tell

2. She and her sister are always __________ attention.

A. competing with B. competing for C. competing D. competing against

3. All of the students were ______ by the ________ speech given by the headmaster.

A. inspired; inspired B. inspiring; inspiring C. inspired; inspiring D. inspiring; inspired

4. I am ________ all day’s study. I’m considering _______ to the cinema tonight.

A. tired of; going B. tired from; to go C. tiring from; going D. tired of; to go

5. If I catch you _____ again, I shall make you ______ in after school _______ some extra work.

A. cheat; stay; to do B. cheating; stay; to do

C. cheating; read; having D. reading; play; doing

6. News reports say peace talks between the two countries _____ with no agreement reached.

A. have broken down B. have broken out C. have broken in D. have broken up

7. _______, Dick could not succeed _______ the driving test.

A. However he tried hard; in passing B. No matter how hard he tried; to pass

C. However hard he tried; in passing D. No matter how he tried hard; to pass



Goodbye, plastic

Wanna go shopping? Before you leave you’d better prepare a paper bag to carry your stuff or get more money to buy the bags! As a war against plastic bags has started around the country, people better get into the habit of bringing their own bags for shopping.

Starting from June 1, all shops and supermarkets will be forbidden from offering free plastic bags. Those going against the rule will face a fine up to 10,000 Yuan. In addition, the manufacture(生产), sale and use of bags less than 0.025 mm thick will also be banned.

“We should encourage people to return to carrying cloth bags and using baskets for their vegetables, said a notice from the State Council(国务院). “While plastic bags are convenient fro shoppers, this has caused a serious waste of energy and environmental pollution.

It is estimated(预计)that the Chinese use up to 3 billion plastic bags a day. The country has to refine(炼)5 million tons of crude oil every year to make them. When these bags go to landfills or are burned, they pollute the air, waterways and soil, which forms a huge threat to the health of humans. If they are abandoned, it takes tem almost 1,000 years to break down into particle(微粒)that do not harm the environment. And the abandoned plastic bags are also dangerous to wildlife who eat tem by accident.

Although some citizens are worried about the inconvenience of not having free plastic bags, most people are willing to make sacrifices(牺牲)to protect the environment.

A large number of Chinese have begun making their own cloth bags. Li Hui, a high school student in Tianjin, cut out a shopping bag from his old trousers. Just like his classmates, he sent his first work to his neighbors to promote the use of environmentally-friendly bags. “I am so proud that they like my design and promised to use it, said the boy.

Goodbye, plastic

Why is such a rule made? Using plastic bags has (1) ____________ a serious waste of energy and environmental pollution.

(2) ____________ do the plastic bags pollute the environment? A serious waste of

(4) ____________ Every year 5 million tons of crude oil is (5) ________ to make enough plastic bags for people to use.

Environmental pollution: ◆When the plastic bags to landfills or are burned, they pollute air, waterways and soil, (6) ________ a huge threat to the health of humans.

◆Plastic bags do harm to the environment. It takes them a very long time to break down into

(7) ____________ particles.

◆The abandoned plastic bags are

(8) ____________ to wildlife that eat them by accident.

How do people (3) ___ to the new rules? ◆Although some citizens are worried about the inconvenience of not having (9) ____________ plastic bags, most people are willing to make sacrifices to protect the environment.

◆A large number of Chinese have begun (10) ____________ their own cloth bags.


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