Stuffocation is the feeling of being overwhelmed and weighed down by material things, i.e. 'stuff'. In practice this can mean different things to different people, but classic examples include regularly having to rummage through masses of junk you never use in order to get to the items you actually need, opening a wardrobe brimming with garments and not being able to find a thing to wear, and on receiving a gift, not feeling pleasure or gratitude but a surge of indifference or anxiety about what you're going to do with it.
In short, rather than thinking of stuff in a positive way, believing that material things are useful or pleasant and enhance our lives, stuffocation embodies the idea that more things equate to more to deal with, more to organize, and so more hassle.
The term stuffocation is chiefly associated with trend forecaster James Wallman, author of a book of the same name published in 2013. Wallman also promotes the concept through a dedicated website, stuffocation.org, which features blog posts encouraging people to de-stuffocate their lives. Some evidence for use of the term pre-dates Wallman's book by a couple of years however, going back to 2010.
Stuffocation这个说法与时尚预测师James Wallman密切相关,他zai 2013年写了一本名为Stuffocation的书,同时,他还在一个stuffocation.org的网站上宣传这个概念,他在发表的博文中,鼓励人们丢弃生活中多余的杂物,也就是咱们所说的“断舍离。这个词更早的使用则要追溯到2010年。
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