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发布时间:2016-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编



1.You can make ______ (网友) on the internet

2. The boys _____(争执) with each other about what to do next.

3. The couple found a ______ (遗弃的) baby that morning.

4. After they heard the bad news, they were in great _____ (悲痛).

5. The _______(大多数) were standing for the plan.

6. New English-Chinese dictionaries has been ______(出版)

7. Are there any _______(相似) between the two?

8. Hiking is exciting, but sometimes ______(冒险的).

9. The sad story ______ (打动) the girl deeply

10. I have a March _____ (期限) for the novel.

11. Mr Green is not in. he is on ______ (度假) now.

12. You should seize this _______ (机会). It may never come again.

13.The hope of a peace talk was _______ (摧毁) by America’s attack on Iraq.

14. Many animals here died in the natural d______. (灾难)

15. He likes fruit and tomatoes in ______(尤其).


1.Last week, I___________(偶然遇见) him on the steet.

2.we need a cellphone to_______________(保持联系) with our friends and family.

3.Many college students are busy____________(寻找) jobs after gradutation.

4.Many of the world’s animals and plants are____________(处于危险中)

5.We may be able to _____________(采取措施)to protect wild animals.

6.The novel______________(以……为基础) historical facts.

7.Women were not allowed______________(参加)the Olympic Games in the ancient time.

8.Love and peace will___________(赢得) war in the end.

9.It will become more and more important to_________________(了解、掌握) English.

10.Minzhi wants to go to town, but she___________________(买不起)buy a bus ticket


1.Ask him how much___________

A.did it cost B. cost it C. it costs D.it spends

2. He asked____________for a violin.

A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid

3.She said that she______from him since June.

A. has not heard B.have not heard C. hadn’t heard D.didn’t hear

4. I didn’t know what_________

A.was the matter B.is the matter C.matter was D. the matter is

5.He asked me if_________

A. the train will arrive lately. B. the train always arrived late.

C. the train would arrive lately. D. the train always arrives on time.

6.The teacher told us that the sun_________from the east

A.rises B.rose C. had risen D. is rising

7. He asked me _______ I was getting along well with my new classmates.

A. if B. how C.why D.what

8.He arrived in Beijing,where he_____his friend.

A.was met by B.was met C.was meeting D.met by

9.The war_______in 1937

A.was broken out B.had been broken out C.has broken out D.broke out

10. Some of the hotels in my hometown_________.

A.have now been rebuilding B.are now rebuilding

C.are now being rebuilt D.are rebuilt now

11.The new hall is the tallest building in this town. _____from here?

A.Can it see B.Can it be seen C.Can it seen D.Can see

12.Great changes_____in our province.Many tall buildings_________

A.have been taken place, have been set up B.have taken place, have been set up

C.have been taken place, have been set up D.were taken place, were set up

13. He_______by his teacher.

A.happened to see B.was happened to see

C.happened to be seen D.was happened to be seen

14.The story______in China.

A.was taken place B.was happened C.took place D.has been taken place

15.The sports meeting____ .

A.is put off B.is to put off C.is to be put off D.puts off

16. My brother and I have __________her birthday party.

A.been invited B.been invited for C.invited to D.been invited to

17. By the end of last year, another new gymnasium ____ in Beijing. .(2003年上海春招题)

A. would be completed B. was being completed

C. has been complete D. had been completed

18.More than a dozen students in that school ___ abroad to study medicine last year. (2005年上海高考题)

A. sent B. were sent C. had sent D. had been sent

19.More patients__in hospital this year than last year.(2004年江苏高考题)

A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been treated

20.After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment__.(2005年北京春招题)

A. is damaged B. had damaged C. damaged D. was damaged


1. “Don’t tell him the news. she said.

She told me _______ ______ ______ him the news.

2 “Are you interested in this? he said.

He ______ ______ I was interested in ______.

3.“Where have you been these days? he asked.

He asked me _______ _______ _______been _______ days

4.Do you know where she lives? he asked.

He asked ______ ______ knew where she ______.

5.“Stop making so much noise, children. he said.

He ______ the children ______ ______ making so much noise

6.“I met her yesterday. he said to me.

He ______ me that he ______ met the day ______.

7.The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.

The teacher said that the sun ______ in the east and ______ down in the west.

8.She said, “Are you from the south?

She asked ________ I ________ from the south.

9.“Please close the window, he said to me.

He ______ me _____ the window.

10.He said, “Don’t do that again. He _____ me _______ that again.


Sarah Winchester lived in California. She was a very ____1____ woman. She didn’t buy many jwwels(珠宝) or ___2___ clothes. ____3___, she spent millions of dollars in __4____ a house. She began to do it at the age of 45. The strange thing about Sarah’s ___5___ was that it seemed never finished. The work on the house went for 38___6___ because Sarah was afraid to ___7____ building it.

Sarah’s house was near San Jose. Every day, a lot of ___8___ arrived there to work for her. Sarah wanted more rooms and more doors and more windows, ___9___ the workers kept on building them. The house was seven floors high and had 160 rooms. There were 200 doors and 1,000______10_______. There were also three lifts, nine kitchens, and 47 fireplaces.

Why did Sarah want a house the kept getting ___11___? It was because Sarah was afraid of ___12___. She thought she would die when the house was finished, so she didn’t want her house to be finished.

Sarah Winchester’s ____13___ seemed to have worked(奏效) ___14___ she lived to be 83 years old. But __15__ her house was finished.

1.A. poor B. rich C. useful D. brave

2.A. cheap B. expensive C. simple D. old

3.A. Still B. Usually C. Instead D. Even

4.A. building B. buying C. selling D. setting

5.A. door B. window C. kitchen D. house

6.A. years B. months C. weeks D. days

7.A. keep B. enjoy C. stop D. help

8.A. drivers B. workers C. farmers D. visitors

9.A. but B. until C. since D. so

10.A. floors B. kitchens C. windows D. rooms

11.A. bigger B. smaller C. stronger D. cleaner

12.A. working B. dying C. living D. growing

13.A. age B. family C. plan D. husband

14.A. or B. because C. neither D. nor

15.A. hardly B. usefully C. carefully D. finally

六. 完成句子


He is _____a_____businessman_______he is often_______to give lectures.


I’m only_____________music while he is_______________________the Internet.


The reason________their failure is________they are too careless.


He____________________the flim that he saw yesterday


Mr. Wang was ill. Miss Li_________________________________.


I __________the teacher____________late for school.


_________there is________and________, there is _________


The Olympics are_____________competitions. They also__________peace and friendship.


_______________ going out for an outing?


We________________start out _________it began to rain.


We must________ ________ ________ our natrual resources.


1.Mary as well as his parents are interested in pop music._____________

2. I thought her nice and honest for the first time I met her.____________

3.The fork and knief are on the table._____________

4. we agree meeting here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.____________

5.This kind of apple is tasted sweet and sells well..____________


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