去年以来,我国加大反腐力度(intensified its clampdown on corruption),狠抓中央八项规定(eight-point austerity rules),大批贪官落马,他们所犯的各类贪污腐败罪名(corruption charges)我们也有所耳闻,但用英语怎么说,你知道吗?
1 公车私用
Personal use of public vehicles
公车私用是公车腐败(corruption involving government vehicles)的一种,具体还包括:私车消费公家报销(reimbursement of private car expenses)、公车照坐,车补照发(irregular subsidies)、公车浪费(waste involving government vehicles)、公车采购追求豪华(purchase of excessively luxurious cars)以及公车数量超标(an excessive number of government vehicles)等。
2 隐瞒不报个人事项
Failure to report personal matters,such as true income, assets, children and marriages
根据规定,领导干部的个人有关事项必须向组织报告,这是一项反腐倡廉的治本之策。需报告的个人事项主要包括:领导干部收入(true income)、房产(assets)、投资(investment),以及领导干部本人婚姻变化和配偶、子女移居国(境)外、从业情况等等。
3 出入高档会所,私人会馆
Frequent visits to private clubs or expensive resorts
Private clubs就是我们所说的“会所。近年来,一些public parks(公园)和historic sites(历史名胜)的设施被改造成了私人会所,供政府官员私下享乐,或conduct power-for-money deals(进行权钱交易)。
为了遏制这一腐败风气,中央要求政府官员不出入luxury clubs(会所,高级俱乐部),不收受会所的membership cards(会员卡)。
4 家风败坏
Indulging in corruption of family members
家风败坏也是我们常说的“后院腐败(backyard corruption)。
近年来,家族式腐败(family corruption)屡见不鲜。一些官员的亲属,利用官员的政治影响力(political influence)谋取非法利益(made illegal profits)。一些领导也会落入“亲情陷阱(fall into the trap of kinship),有些领导人也会从亲属经营活动收受贿赂。
5 与他人通奸
Committing adultery
对党员干部来说,“通奸是不能触碰的“红线。因为领导干部掌握着分配社会资源的权力,出现通奸行为,就会为以权谋色、以色行贿等等“权色交易(trading one's power for sex)提供温床。
6 妄议中央大政方针
Speaking ill of government policies
根据条例,“妄议中央大政方针,破坏党的集中统一被列入违反政治纪律(violating the political discipline and rules of the Communist Party of China [CPC])“负面清单,规定该类行为情节较轻的,给予警告(disciplinary warning)或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍处分(expelled from the CPC)。
7 在党内搞团团伙伙
Forming factions and cliques
8 搞迷信活动
Engaging in superstitious activities
党员干部长期搞迷信活动(conducting superstitious activities over a long period)是对信仰的背叛。这种行为分为组织迷信活动和参加迷信活动两种情形,如利用公款从事迷信活动(spending public money on things related to religion),或具有宗教信仰(harboring religious beliefs)等。
taking bribes
embezzling public money
selling or buying government positions
bending laws for personal ends
living a corrupted lifestyle
failing to fulfill their duties
trading one's power for sex
taking advantage of one's posts to seek profit for others
上一篇: 大寒节气,如何用英文说寒潮
下一篇: 各种各样的“口罩”英语[1]
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