When considering a prenuptial agreement, couples usually include their thoughts on pre-marital finances, 401K plans, bank accounts and real estate. But they should also discuss what to do about dogs, cats and other animals acquired before and during the marriage.
Here comes pet nup or pup nup, a prenuptial agreement that specifies who gets custody of the couple's pet or specifically dog in case of breakup.
The general term pet nup dates to mid-2011. The feline variation cat nup is surprisingly rare, probably because, in the event of a divorce, it's the cat that decides who gets custody.
Pet nup这个说法最早见于2011年中期。专用于宠物猫的说法cat nup竟然很少被用到,估计是因为主人分手时决定猫咪归属的不是主人,而是猫咪自己吧。
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