如今,"男妆"丽人(yao nie nan)已不是亚洲男性的专利,近年来,英美国家的硬汉们也尝到了彩妆带来的乐趣,出门前纷纷要用男用眼线液(guyliner)、粉底、修容粉和遮瑕膏等彩妆"神器"修容后才肯粉墨登场。
Male makeup was one of popular trends in Japan and South Korea. While Japanese men used to put on light makeup to keep their natural look, South Korean gentlemen were not afraid of wearing eyeliner or foundation to create delicate and elegant face.
On the other hand, men in US and UK haven't embraced the joy of makeup until recent years. When celebrities like David Beckham, George Clooney and Hugh Jackman wore makeup, more and more men were willing to give makeup a shoot. Fashion designers captured the trend to release series of makeup products only for men.
Even guys had their own name for eyeliner, called "guyliner," said M.A.C senior makeup artist John Stapleton.
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