Kitchen-sink is a verb, referring to announcing all of a company's bad financial news at one time.
This word is based on the idiom "everything but the kitchen sink", which hails from World War II. (Back then it referred to a heavy bombardment in which it appeared the enemy was firing everything but the kitchen sink.) The verb is based on a sensible strategy: If a company must divulge some bad news in its financial results, then it might as well bring all of its fiscal skeletons out of the accounting closet. The reasoning is that although the company's share price may drop a bit, it will drop far less than if the company announced each bit of bad news separately.
这个词是基于向二战致意的习语“everything but the kitchen sink”(尽其所能地,几乎包括了所有事)。(在当时,该习语是指在敌人发起的猛烈轰炸之后,除了厨房的水槽以外所有的东西都是敌人攻击的目标。)这个动词基于一种非常明智的策略:如果一家公司必须公布一些财务方面的坏消息,那它或许也要把所有财会方面不可告人的秘密公之于众。这其中的逻辑是,虽然公司股价也许会下跌一点,但其幅度要比分几次一点点将坏消息公布出来的幅度小得多。
For example:
There's going to be a lot of kitchen-sinking and they'll look terrible.
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