"Pwned" means "to be utterly defeated by an opponent" or "to be defeated by a superior power".
This informal term is used more often in video gaming, and supposedly resulted from a common mistyping of own with this sense, as a result of the proximity of p and o on a computer keyboard. Along with pwned comes pwnage, being "the action or fact of utterly defeating an opponent or rival"
It can be pronounced as "owned" or as "poned", with both pronunciations being correct. In some cases, you will even hear it pronounced as "pawned".
这个词可以读成"owned" 或"poned",两种读法都对,有时你甚至会听到有人将其念做"pawned"。
谢:My enchanted troll bludgeons your screaming harpy with a cursed mace. game.
霍:Sorry, boys. Say hi to your mother when she picks you up.
拉:Or I could just tell her later tonight! We pwned them, dude! Up top!
Oh, man. I got totally pwned by the aerobics instructor in class today. That was so difficult!
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下一篇: 无聊时的“机械进食”