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发布时间:2015-11-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

在工作日益繁忙的现代社会,很多白领根本就没有足够的时间去寻找爱情,越来越多的人将目光瞄向了与自己一同工作的同事,workplace romance越来越流行,你有没有类似经历呢?

King: The trip was pretty good except for the flat tire we got on the way home. I was going to change it myself but then...hey Dan, are you even listening to me? Dan?

Dan: Oh sorry, I spaced out there for a second.

K: Who were you looking at? Wait a second...you were looking at Julie!

D: All right, I confess! I'm busted. I have a big crush on Julie.

K: That's wonderful! Julie is a great woman, and you're a great guy! So have you asked her out yet?



D: No. I'm not really sure it's appropriate.

King正在给Dan讲自己最近的一次旅行,他们回家路上车胎爆了(We got a flat tire),正说得高兴,King发现Dan根本没在听自己说话。Dan很不好意思,承认他走神了(I spaced out for a second),space out 是“走神的意思,形容“心不在焉,“走神还可以用daydream来表示, 所以刚才那句话也可以说“I was daydreaming for a second.

然后King发现,Dan走神是在看女同事Julie。 Dan只好承认说“I'm busted. I have a big crush on Julie。“I'm busted意思是“被抓住了,被发现了,暴露了。他说自己确实在偷偷喜欢Julie,但又不敢ask her out(约她出去),不知道这样做是否合适。

K: I think lots of people meet their "significant other" in the workplace. It's not like she's your boss...go ask her out!

D: I don't know...what if she says 'no?'

K: Have you ever heard the old expression: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained?" What if she says 'yes?'

D: I've always had a really hard time approaching women. I get tongue-tied and start sweating. I don't want to come across as too aggressive, but I also don't want to appear too passive...It's really hard to get it right!

King说,很多人都是在工作场所遇到自己另一半的,significant other是“伴侣的意思,也可以说是自己的better half。Dan害怕被拒绝,King告诉他说Nothing ventured, nothing gained(不去冒险尝试,就绝不会有收获)。Dan说自己在追女人方面特别不在行,I get tongue-tied and start sweating(我说话会结结巴巴,直冒冷汗)。Dan还说,既不想显得太主动,也不想显得太被动,It's really hard to get it right(很难把握好分寸)。

K: If there's one thing I've learned in my life it's that you never lose by trying. You never know unless you try! Getting rejected isn't the end the world!

D: But how do I make the initial approach? Should I try to come up with some clever or witty remarks?

K: There are a lot of guys out there who think they're Casanova, but in my experience, women don't go for cheesy pickup lines. I suggest being sweet, straightforward and sincere.

D: So what should I say?

King说尝试一下(约Julie出去)也不会有什么损失,最糟糕也不过是被拒绝。Dan问,要不要come up with some clever or witty remark(想出一些俏皮话),King告诉他,约女人出去,直截了当些就好,women don't go for cheesy pickup lines(女人对俏皮的搭讪并不买账)。Dan会鼓起勇气约Julie出去吗?


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