中考易混词汇辨析:say, speak, talk, tell-查字典英语网
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中考易混词汇辨析:say, speak, talk, tell

发布时间:2015-09-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


(1) say的意思是“说”、“讲”、“说出”,是及物动词,强调“说”的内容。


eg: ① He said nothing to me. 他对我什么也没说。

② He said in his letter that he was getting on well with his life. 他在信中说,他生活得很好。

固定搭配:say hello/good bye/sorry to sb. 向某人问候/告别/道歉 say “ yes ” to sb . = agree with sb. 同意某人 say “ no ” to sb. = disagree with sb. 不同意某人

(2) speak表“说”、“讲”,它可以表示任何一种方式的“说话”。

它着重“说话”这一动作本身,而不强调所“说”的内容。它通常为不及物动词,但它也可以作及物动词,后接the language、the truth、a word等,或接表示语言名称的名词。

eg: ①Please speak more slowly and clearly. 请说慢些和清楚些。 ②Who is speaking? 你是谁?(打电话时用语) ③Can you speak Japanese? 你会讲日语吗? 固定搭配:speak to sb. 对某人说话 speak highly of 称赞

speak one’s mind 说心里话; 直言不讳

(3) talk表示“交谈”、“谈话”,它指连贯地与人交谈,着重指说话的动作,而不强调说话的内容。它一般用作不及物动词。

eg: ①What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么? ②We are talking about the Chinese football match. 我们在谈论中国足球比赛。

固定搭配:talk with/to sb. 和某人谈话

talk about sb./sth. 谈论某人/某事

talk with sb. about sth. = talk about sth. with sb.


(4) tell表“告诉”、“讲述”之意,是及物动词,常强调所讲的内容,不表示动作。

重点句式:tell sb. sth = tell sth to sb. 告诉某人某事

eg: He told me nothing. = He told nothing to me. 他什么也没告诉我。

tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)去做某事 eg: He told us not to worry about him. 他告诉我们不要为他担心。

tell sb. +that-clause/who-clause 告诉某人„„ eg: He told me that he was coming. 他告诉我说他要来。 固定搭配:tell„ from„区分,辨别 tell a story 讲故事


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