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发布时间:2015-08-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

( )1 Li Na_____ born ____ Wuhan _____February 26, 1982.

A were, in on B was, in ,in C were, on, in D was, in, on

( )2 ____my mother ____my father like chess. They think it’s interesting.

A Either, or B Both, and C Neither, nor D Not only, but also

( )3 Mountain Huang is one of ______in China.

A the highest mountains B high mountain

C the highest mountain D the high mountains

( )4_____you may be angry with your parents, ____you should communicate with them.

A Although; but B Though; but C Although;/ D /; still

( )5 I will call you _____I come back.

A till B until C as soon as D but

( )6 ____I know, more and more people in the world are learning Chinese.

A As well as B As often as C As soon as D As far as

( )7 Frank is ___friendly than his brother.

A a little more B a few more C much D a little

( )8 Jack decided _____for a walk in the forest.

A go B to go C going D goes

( )9 We are happy to see our city is developing ____these years than before.

A quickly B the most quickly C very quickly D more quickly

( )10 Alice _____Peter last year.

A married to B got married to C got married with D married with


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