■for引导的从句不能位于它所解释的动词之前: Because it was wet he took a taxi. 因为下雨,他叫了一辆出租车。(这里不能用for)http://yingyu.chazidian.com ■for引导的从句不能位于not, but或任何连词之后: He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing. 他偷东西,并不是因为他想要钱,而是他有这种毛病。(这里不能用for) ■for引导的从句不能用于回答问题: —Why did you do it? 你为什么这么做? —I did it because l was angry. 因为我生气才这么做的。(这里不能用for) ■ for引导的从句不能单单用来复述已讲过的话,而必须包括新的内容: He spoke in French. She was angry because he had spoken in French. 他讲法语。因为他讲法语,她生气了。(这里不能用for) 但是说: She was angry, for she didn’t know French. 她生气了,因为她不懂法语。(这里用for是正确的,也可用because) 之所以有这些用法上的限定,其理由是for引导的从句不能直接说明某一特定动作发生的原因,而只能提供一些起帮助解释作用的附加说明。例如(http://yingyu.chazidian.com): The days were short, for it was now December. 天短了,现在已是12月了。 He took the food eagerly, for he has eaten nothing since dawn. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,因为他从天亮就没吃过东西。 When I saw her in the river I was frightened. For at that point the currents were dangerous. 我看见她在河里时,吓坏了。那个地方水流非常危险。 在口语中,for从句前常稍停一下。在笔语中,在此处常有一个逗号。有时也用一个句号断开,如最后一个例子所示。上面三个例句中也可用becatse, 但用for更好些。