有这样一道题: —This is the book that I have read __________ dozens of times. —But I have never read __________. http://yingyu.chazidian.com A. it,× B. ×,it C. it,it D. ×,× 此题应选B。容易误选C。本题第二句填代词it,这容易理解。而第一句不能填 it,则是考生很容易忽视的。显然第一句中的 that I have read dozens of times 是修饰 the book 的定语从句,此句中的动词read不能再接用 it作宾语,因为它已有宾语that(也可省略)。 在做有关定语从句的试题时,考生千万不要在定语从句中重复使用与关系词(或先行词)指代相同的人称代词: 我们昨晚看的电影很精彩。 误:The film we saw it last night was wonderful. 正:The film we saw last night was wonderful. 刚才同你讲话的那个人是谁? 误:Who’s the man you just talked to him? 正:Who’s the man you just talked to? 你昨天借给我的书很有趣。 误:The book you lent it me yesterday was very interesting. 正:The book you lent me yesterday was very interesting. 他就是去年死了妻子的那个人。 误:He is the man whose his wife died last year. 正:He is the man whose wife died last year.