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发布时间:2015-01-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

(1) Welcome to our school. 欢迎来我校。
(2) Make yourself at home. 请随便。
1. 如果句子中的不定式被省略,常保留不定式中的小品词to。如:
(1) —Will you please go shopping with me this afternoon? 今天下午同我一起去买东西好吗?
—I’d like to, but I have much work to do. 我倒想去,但是我有很多事情要做。
(2) —Will Mr. Brown come, too? 布朗先生回来吗?
—Yes. He promised to, but he doesn’t turn up yet. 是的。她答应来,但现在还没有到。
(1) —Will Bruce be a player for our team? 布鲁斯将会成为我们队的队员吗?
—He wants to be, but we won’t take him in. 他倒想,而我们不会接受他。
(2) —Has he finished reading the book? 他把书看完了吗?
—He hopes to have, but in fact he reads too slowly. 他倒希望看完了,而事实上她读得太慢了。
2. 从句的谓语部分省略后,从句中的情态动词或助动词保留。如:
(1) He said he would do as much as he could to help us. 他说他要尽一切努力来帮助我们。
(2) When asked to dance, she said she couldn’t. 当请她跳舞时,她说她不会。
3. 省略从句时,若从句为否定,则从句中的否定词not被保留。这样的主句谓语动词有:think, believe, guess, suppose, hope,be afraid, be sure 及连接副词:why, if。如:
(1) —Do you think he will come to see us? 你认为他回来看我们吗?
—I think not. 我认为不会。
(2) —Is it going to rain? 天会下雨吗?
—I’m afraid not. 恐怕不会。
(3) —Can you go to the concert with us this evening? 今天晚上能跟我们一起去听音乐演奏会吗?
—Why not. 为什么不呢?
1. 当从句或分句中的谓语动词省略时,有时须加一个助动词do合适的形式来代替。如
(1) Anyone can’t break the rules. If you do, you will sure be punished. 任何人也不能违反纪律,如果你违反了,你将肯定要受到惩罚。
(2) He was told not to go there alone at night, but he did. 人们告诉他夜晚不要单独一人去那儿,然而它却去了。
(3) —Do you like swimming? 你喜欢游泳吗?
—Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。

2. 当整个从句被省略时,可用so来代替。这样的主句谓语动词有:think, believe, guess, suppose, hope, be及疑问副词why, how, if等。如:
(1) —Do you think the thief will be put into prison? 你认为那个贼会被打入监牢吗?
—Yes. I think so. 是的,我认为会。
(2) —Do you believe that he will come back from abroad? 你认为他会从国外回来吗?
—Yes. I believe so. 是的,我认为他会回来。
(3) —It is said that Mary got her arm broken. 据说玛丽把手臂弄断了。
—How so. 怎么会这样呢。
(4) —He must be in the classroom now. 他现在肯定在教室里。
—If so, let’s go to the classroom to see him. 如果她在教室里,我们就去那儿看他吧。
3. 当从句为否定,而整个从句被省略时,可写为don’t…so, 也可只保留从句中的not。这样的主句动词有:think, believe, suppose等。如:(http://yingyu.chazidian.com)
(1) —Do you think he will change his idea? 你认为他会改变主意吗?
—No. I don’t think so. 不,我认为他不会。
(2) —Do you think English is difficult? 你认为英语难学吗?
—No. I don’t think so. 不,我认为不难学。
在虚拟条件句中含有were, should, had 时,可将 if 省略,同时将 were, should, had 提到句首。如:
(1) Were I there, I would stop him doing that. 要是我在那儿,我就会阻止他那样做。
(2) Had he learnt English, he would be studying abroad. 要是他以前学过英语,他会正在国外学习。
(3) Should he like swimming, I couldn’t stop him. 要是他喜欢游泳,我可阻止他不了。



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