■在有些特殊语境中,有时可以省去句子的谓语。如: Only one of us was injured, and he just slightly. 我们当中只有一人受了伤,而且只是轻伤。http://yingyu.chazidian.com 分析:he后省去谓语was injured。 We went through the tests on a Monday. Jenny had hers during the day, and I mine after work. 有一个星期一,我们进行了检查。詹尼在白天,我是在下班之后。 分析:I之后省去谓语had。 ■有时可省去谓语中的主要动词。如: I’ll be round as quick as I can. 我将尽快赶来。 分析:can之后省去主要动词be。 I pitied her sincerely, as I would a child of my own. 我真心地爱怜她,就像爱怜我自己的孩子一样。 分析:would之后省去主要动词pity。